How to Get Into IIM with a Low Cat Score?

Focus on your academic and professional achievements:  If your CAT score is low, you can compensate by highlighting your academic and professional achievements in your application. 

Prepare a strong application:  Make sure your application is well-written and presents a compelling case for why you deserve a spot at the IIM. 

Highlight your strengths -  Highlight your strengths, achievements, and any unique experiences or skills that set you apart from other applicants. 

Consider retaking the CAT exam:  If you have the time and resources, consider retaking the CAT exam to improve your score. 

Proper Preparation and Practice -  With proper preparation and practice, you may be able to achieve a higher score the second time around. 

Apply to other management institutes:  Consider applying to other institutes as well to increase your chances of getting accepted into a management program. 

Consider alternative routes:  Some IIMs offer executive and part-time management programs that may have different admission criteria. 

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