8 Programming Languages to Learn For Job at Google 

Python Used for various purposes, including web development, automation, and machine learning.  

Java  Google's Android operating system is built on Java, making it a crucial language for mobile app development.

JavaScript - ​ Essential for front-end web development and increasingly used for server-side development with Node.js.​ 

C++  ​Commonly used in systems programming, performance-critical applications, and infrastructure development.​ 

SQL -  Essential for working with databases, and Google's Cloud Platform supports various SQL databases.  

Go (Golang) - Developed by Google, Go is used for building scalable and efficient applications, especially in distributed systems and cloud computing.  

Swift -  ​If you're interested in iOS app development, Swift is crucial, as it's the primary language for building iOS applications.​ 

TypeScript​ - ​ A superset of JavaScript that adds static typing, making it easier to build large-scale web applications.​ 

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