Hacks and Tricks for UPSC Prelims

Mind Mapping:   Create visual mind maps to organize complex topics. This technique helps in retaining and recalling information more effectively. 

NCERTs are Key:   Start with NCERT (National Council of Educational Research and Training) books for a solid foundation. UPSC often asks questions directly from these books. 

Study in Groups:  Engage in group discussions to share insights and learn from others. Explaining concepts to peers helps reinforce your own understanding. 

Teach Someone:  Teach a friend or family member a topic you've studied. Teaching forces you to grasp concepts deeply and identify gaps in your knowledge. 

Use Analogies:  Associate difficult concepts with relatable analogies or real-life examples. This can simplify understanding and retention. 

Flashcards:  Create flashcards for quick revision. These are especially useful for learning definitions, formulae, and important dates. 

Stay Curious:  While studying, ask "why" and "how" questions. Delving deeper into the "whys" behind concepts enhances your understanding. 

Alternate Study Spots:  Switch study locations occasionally. A change of environment can stimulate your brain and prevent monotony. 

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