Top 10 Tips to Keep Your Memory Sharp at Any Age

Candidates should avoid adding an oily or sugary diet as it induces laziness in the body.


It is advisable to go for multivitamins supplements along with regular food since it increases productivity.  


Meditate every day for at least half an hour regularly as it helps in improving the memory power.


Get a proper sleep every day as it helps in remaining fresh the whole day and increases productivity.


Stay away from any intoxicating things since it hampers the overall brain functioning.


Attempt brain exercises that help in improving brain functioning and make the brain sharp.


Revise for the exam by writing the tough topics regularly as it keeps the memory for a longer time.  


Simplify the overall learning process and break down the large topics into smaller chunks for better learning.


Prepare short notes and use the same to study and revise for the exam on the last day


Exercise on a regular basis as it helps in remaining active and happy all over the day.


Use images or diagrams to study for the exam and retain the information in the brain for a long.  


Take regular breaks as it acts as a healthy reset for the brain thus keeping fatigued at bay.

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