8 Free AI Courses Offered by Google

Google AI for Everyone: – This course is designed for non-technical audiences and provides an introduction to the fundamentals of artificial intelligence.

Google Cloud Platform Big Data and Machine Learning Fundamentals: – This course covers the basics of big data and machine learning on Google Cloud Platform (GCP).

Machine Learning Crash Course (MLCC): – MLCC is a free course developed by Google that provides a practical introduction to machine learning concepts.

TensorFlow for Deep Learning: – TensorFlow is an open-source machine learning framework developed by Google. This course covers using TensorFlow for deep learning applications.

Natural Language Processing in TensorFlow: – This course focuses on natural language processing (NLP) techniques using the TensorFlow framework.

Structuring Machine Learning Projects: – This course is part of the "Deep Learning Specialization" on Coursera, offered by Andrew Ng in collaboration with Google. It covers best practices for structuring machine learning projects.

Introduction to Machine Learning with TensorFlow: – This course provides an introduction to machine learning using TensorFlow, covering both supervised and unsupervised learning.

Building Scalable Machine Learning Microservices with TensorFlow: – This course explores the deployment of machine learning models as scalable microservices using TensorFlow and Google Cloud Platform.

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