How to Study in Germany After the 12th?

– Decide on the course you want to pursue and research universities in Germany offering that program.

Choose a Course and University:

Different courses and universities may have specific admission requirements.Generally, you'll need to provide your high school transcripts and proof of proficiency in the German language (usually through exams like TestDaF or DSH).

heck Admission Requirements:

– Since many courses in Germany are offered in German, international students are often required to demonstrate proficiency in the language.

German Language Proficiency:

– Submit your application to the chosen university through their official website or the Australian government's education portal.

Apply for Admission:

– International students in Germany are generally allowed to work part-time during their studies. Check the regulations and explore part-time job opportunities.

Part-Time Work Opportunities:

– Ensure you have enough funds to cover tuition fees, living expenses, and health insurance.

Financial Planning:

– Arrange accommodation either on-campus or off-campus. Many universities offer assistance with finding suitable housing.


– Arrange for travel insurance for your journey to Australia.  It's mandatory to have Overseas Student Health Cover (OSHC) for the duration of your stay.

Travel and Health Insurance:

– Attend the orientation sessions organized by your university to familiarize yourself with campus life and academic expectations.

Orientation and Enrolment:

– Germany has a rich cultural heritage. Take the time to adapt to the new culture, learn about local customs, and make friends.

Adapt to German Culture:

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