Courses and Career Options After BA English

Master's in English Literature: – Duration: 2 year – Further specialization in literature, language studies, or critical theory.

Courses After BA English:

– Duration: 2 year – Ideal for those interested in media, journalism, and communication.

Master's in Journalism and Mass Communication:

– Duration: 1-2 year – Focus on honing your skills in creative writing, including fiction, poetry, and non-fiction.

Master's in Creative Writing:

Duration: 2 year For those interested in the scientific study of language.

Master's in Linguistics:

Duration: 2 year – Explore literature across different cultures and languages.

Master's in Comparative Literature:

Specialize in fields like Marketing, Human Resources, or Media Management.

MBA (Master of Business Administration):

 Duration: 3 years (after BA) – Pursue a career in law with a focus on areas such as media law or intellectual property law.

Law (LLB):

– Duration: Varie – Courses in publishing and editing for those interested in the book industry.

Publishing Courses:

 Duration: Varie – Learn about online marketing strategies and digital communication.

Digital Marketing Courses:

Content Writer/Editor: Create and edit content for various platforms, including websites, blogs, and social media.

Career Options After BA English:

– Report news and stories for newspapers, magazines, or online media.


– Develop advertising copy for marketing campaigns.


– Manage communication between organizations and the public.

Public Relations (PR) Specialist:

– Teach English at schools, colleges, or universities.


– Create manuals, guides, and documentation for technical products.

Technical Writer:

– Manage and create content for social media platforms.

Social Media Manager:

– Assist in the editorial process for books, magazines, or newspapers.

Editorial Assistant:

– Develop communication strategies for businesses.

Corporate Communications Specialist:

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