Top 10 of the world’s coldest places

The interior of Antarctica is the coldest place on Earth, with temperatures reaching as low as -128.6 degrees Fahrenheit (-89.2 degrees Celsius) at the Soviet Union's Vostok Station in 1983. 


This vast region in Antarctica is known for its extreme cold. It includes places like Dome Fuji and Dome Fuji 2, where temperatures can drop below -120 degrees Fahrenheit 

East Antarctica Plateau:

 Located in the northern part of Greenland, this research station experiences frigid temperatures, with lows that can reach around -87 degrees Fahrenheit (-66 degrees Celsius). 

North Ice, Greenland:

Oymyakon, a rural locality in the Sakha Republic of Russia, is often considered one of the coldest inhabited places on Earth. It has recorded temperatures as low as -96.2 degrees Fahrenheit 

Oymyakon, Russia:

 Another extremely cold Siberian town, Verkhoyansk, has experienced temperatures as low as -93.6 degrees Fahrenheit 

Verkhoyansk, Russia:

 The northernmost city in the United States, Barrow (now known as Utqiaġvik), experiences frigid temperatures, with lows reaching around -56 degrees Fahrenheit 

Barrow (Utqiaġvik), Alaska, USA:

Located in Canada's Northwest Territories, Yellowknife is known for its bitterly cold winters, with temperatures dropping to around -40 degrees Fahrenheit 

Yellowknife, Canada:

Fairbanks, Alaska, experiences extremely cold temperatures during the winter months, with lows often reaching -40 degrees Fahrenheit 

Fairbanks, Alaska, USA:

 Dudinka, a town in Russia's Krasnoyarsk Krai, has recorded temperatures as low as -53.2 degrees Fahrenheit 

Dudinka, Russia:

 Eureka, a research station on Ellesmere Island in Canada's Nunavut territory, is one of the coldest places inhabited year-round. Temperatures can drop below -40 degrees Fahrenheit 

Eureka, Canada:

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