UGC NET Law Exam 2023: Check Syllabus, Books, Question Papers

UGC NET Law Exam 2020

UGC NET Law Exam 2023: Choosing Law as a master’s degree subject opens up opportunities not only as a lawyer, but also as an Assistant Professor, JRF, and a variety of other positions in government and private organizations.

For this, you must have a thorough understanding of the UGC NET Law exam in order to prepare effectively. We have covered all the details, as well as eligibility, UGC NET law syllabus, pattern, and materials related to Law UGC NET 2023 Exam, in this article.

UGC NET Law 2023 Eligibility Criteria

Before you begin your preparation, make sure you meet the Eligibility Criteria for the UGC NET Law Exam.

The NTA has developed some guidelines for the exam in order to sort out appropriate candidates based on their age limits, educational qualifications, and other criteria:

To sort out the suitable candidates based on their age limits, educational qualifications, and other criteria, NTA has decided some guidelines for the exam which are as follows:

  • Masters’ in Law or related subjects with minimum
    • 55% (For General) 
    • 50% (For OBC/SC/ST/PwD/Transgender). 
  • For NET JRF, the age limit is 
    • 30 years (For General) 
    • 35 years (for OBC/SC/ST/PwD/Female/Transgender)
  • For Assistant Professor, there are no age limit criteria. 

Note: Candidates who are pursuing L.L.M. Degree will get 3 years of relaxation in age. 

UGC NET Law Syllabus 2023 (Updated)

Go through the list of topics for the UGC NET Syllabus of Law:


  • Nature and sources of law
  • Concept of rights and duties
  • Legal personality
  • Schools of jurisprudence
  • Law and morality
  • Law, poverty, and development
  • Concepts of property, ownership, and possession
  • Concept of liability
  • Global justice
  • Modernism and postmodernism


  • Preamble, fundamental rights, and duties, directive principles of state policy.
  • Union and State legislature and distribution of legislative powers; Judiciary
  • Union and State executive and their interrelationship; Emergency provisions; Temporary, transitional and special provisions in respect of certain states
  • Election Commission of India
  • Nature, scope, and importance of administrative law; Principle of natural justice
  • Judicial review of administrative actions: Grounds


  • International law: Definition, nature, and basis; Sources of International law
  • Recognition of states and governments; Nationality, immigrants, refugees, and internally displaced persons (IDPs)
  • United Nations and its organs
  • World Trade Organization (WTO)
  • Extradition and asylum
  • Settlement of international disputes
  • International humanitarian law (IHL) – Conventions and protocols
  • Implementation of IHL – Challenges


  • General principles of criminal liability: Actus reus and men’s rea, individual and
  • group liability and constructive liability
  • Offenses against the human body
  • Offenses against state and terrorism
  • Offenses against property
  • Offenses against women and children
  • Stages of crime and inchoate crimes: Abetment, criminal conspiracy, and attempt
  • General exceptions
  • Drug trafficking and counterfeiting
  • Offenses against public tranquility
  • Theories and kinds of punishments, compensation to the victims of crime


  • Nature and definition of tort; General principles of tortious liability; General defenses
  • Specific torts – Negligence, nuisance, trespass, and defamation
  • Remoteness of damages
  • Strict and absolute liability
  • Tortious liability of the State
  • The Consumer Protection Act 1986 – Definitions, consumer rights, and redressal
  • mechanism
  • The Competition Act, 2002 – Prohibition of certain agreements, abuse of dominant
  • position and regulation of combinations
  • The Motor Vehicles Act, 1988 – No-fault liability, third party insurance, and claims
  • tribunal


  • Essential elements of contract and e-contract
  • Specific contracts: Bailment, pledge, indemnity, guarantee, and agency
  • Sale of Goods Act, 1930
  • Breach of contract, the frustration of contract, void and voidable agreements
  • The standard form of contract and quasi-contract
  • Partnership and limited liability partnership; Negotiable Instruments Act, 1881
  • Company law: Incorporation of a company, prospectus, shares, and debentures
  • Company law: Directors and meetings; Corporate social responsibility


  • Sources and schools
  • Marriage and dissolution of marriage
  • Matrimonial remedies: Divorce and theories of divorce
  • Changing dimensions of the institution of marriage: Live-in relationship; Recognition of foreign decrees in India on marriage and divorce
  • Maintenance, dower, and stridhan; Adoption, guardianship, and acknowledgment
  • Succession and inheritance Will, gift and wakf; Uniform Civil Code


  • Meaning and concept of ‘environment’ and ‘environmental pollution’
  • Constitutional and legal framework for the protection of the environment in India
  • International environmental law and UN Conferences
  • National Green Tribunal
  • Environmental Impact Assessment and control of hazardous waste in India
  • Concept and development of human rights
  • International Bill of Rights
  • Universalism and cultural relativism
  • Group rights: Women, children, persons with disabilities, elderly persons,
  • minorities and weaker sections
  • Protection and enforcement of human rights in India: National Human Rights
  • Commission, National Commission for Minorities, National Commission for Women, National Commission for Scheduled Castes, National Commission for Scheduled Tribes, and National Commission for Backward Classes 


  • Intellectual Property: Concept and meaning
  • Theories of intellectual property
  • International conventions pertaining to intellectual properties
  • Copyright and neighboring rights: Subject matters, limitations, and exceptions,
  • infringement and remedies
  • Law of patent: Patentability, the procedure for grant of patent, limitations and exceptions, infringement and remedies
  • Law of trademark: Registration of trademarks, kinds of trademarks, infringement and passing off, remedies
  • Cybercrimes, penalties, and adjudication
  • Protection of Geographical Indications
  • Information technology Law: Digital signature and Electronic signature, Electronic Governance, Electronic records and Duties of Subscribers
  • Biodiversity and Traditional Knowledge


  • Comparative Law: Relevance, methodology, problems, and concerns in Comparison
  • Forms of governments: Presidential and parliamentary, unitary and federal
  • Models of federalism: USA, Canada, and India
  • Rule of Law: Formal and ‘substantive’ versions
  • Separation of Powers: India, USA, UK, and France
  • Independence of Judiciary, Judicial Activism and Accountability: India, UK and
  • USA
  • Systems of constitutional review – India, USA, France, and Switzerland
  • Amendment of the Constitution: India, South Africa, and the USA
  • Ombudsman: Sweden, UK, and India
  • Open Government and Right to Information: UK, USA, and India

UGC NET Law Exam Pattern 2023

Check out the exam pattern for UGC NET Law 2023 which will comprise two papers- Paper 1 and Paper 2. While Paper 1 shall be primarily based on the candidate’s teaching and research aptitude, Paper 2 shall evaluate the candidate’s domain knowledge.


Total Marks

Total Duration

Questions Based On

Number of Questions



3 hours with no break in between.

Teaching and research aptitude, communication, mathematical reasoning and aptitude, comprehension, logical reasoning, ICT, people, development and environment, data interpretation, and higher education system




The subject of law


UGC NET Law Exam Important Topics 

Candidates taking the UGC NET 2023 for the subject of law can find the important topics which will help them ace the exam and get the award of JRF and/or the eligibility for Assistant Professor.

Unit 1:


Concepts of ownership, property, and possession

Law and development

Concept of liability

Modernism and post-modernism

Global justice

Nature and sources of law

Concept of rights and duties

Law and morality

Schools of jurisprudence

Legal personality

Unit 2:

Administrative and Constitutional Law

Preamble, directive principles of state policy, fundamental rights and duties,

Union Legislature, State legislature, and distribution of their legislative powers

Union and State Executive

Election Commission of India


Nature, scope, and significance of administrative law

Temporary, transitional, and exclusive provisions of certain states

Emergency provisions

Judicial review of administrative actions – Grounds.

Principle of natural justice.

Unit 3:

Law of Crimes

General principles of criminal liability – men’s rea and Actus reus, individual, group liability, and constructive liability

Offenses against the human body

Offenses against property

Counterfeiting and Drug trafficking

Offenses against public tranquillity

Offenses against women and children

Theories and types of punishments, compensation to the victims of crime

General exceptions in crimes

Stages of crimes and inchoate crimes – Criminal conspiracy, Abetment, and attempt

Offenses against state and terrorism

Unit 4:

IHL and Public International Law

Sources of International law

International law – Meaning, nature, and basis

Recognition of states and governments

Refugees, Nationality, immigrants, and internally displaced persons (IDPs)

United Nations and its organs

World Trade Organization (WTO)

Asylum and Extradition

International humanitarian law (IHL) – Protocols and Conventions

Settlement of international disputes

Implementation of International Humanitarian Law – Its Challenges

Unit 5:

Commercial Law

The frustration of Contract, Breach of contract, void and voidable agreements

Specific contracts – Indemnity, guarantee and agency, Bailment, pledge

A standard form of quasi-contract and contract

Essential elements of contract and e-contract

Negotiable Instruments Act of 1881

Company law – Meetings and Directors

Corporate social responsibility (CSR)

Partnership and limited liability

Company law –Prospectus, shares and debentures, incorporation of a company

Sale of Goods Act, 1930

Unit 6:

Systems of Governance and Comparative Public Law

Systems of constitutional review – Switzerland, India, USA, and France

Ombudsman – India, Sweden, UK

Open Government and Right to Information (RTI) – India, USA, UK

Judicial activism, Independence of judiciary and accountability – India, USA, and UK

Amendment of the Constitution – South Africa, India, USA

Rule of Law – ‘Substantive’ and ‘Formal’ versions

Forms of governments – Unitary and federal, Presidential and parliamentary,

Models of federalism – Canada, USA, and India

Comparative Law – Problems and concerns in Comparison, relevance, methodology

Separation of powers – USA, France, India, and the UK

Unit 7:

Consumer Protection and Law of Torts

Specific torts – Nuisance, trespass and defamation, and negligence.

Tortious liability of the State

The Competition Act, 2002 – Abuse of dominant position and regulation of combinations, the prohibition of certain agreements.

Nature and definition of tort

General principles of tortious liability

General defenses

The Consumer Protection Act 1986 – Consumer Rights and redressal mechanism and definitions,

Remoteness of damages

The Motor Vehicles Act of 1988 -Third-party insurance and claims tribunal, no-fault liability

Strict and absolute liability

Unit 8:

Human Rights and Environment Law

Group rights – Elderly persons, women, minorities, children, persons with disabilities, and weaker sections

Enforcement and Protection of human rights in India – National Commission for Scheduled Tribes (ST)

National Commission for Backward Classes, National Commission for Women

National Commission for Scheduled Castes, National Human Rights Commission, National Commission for Minorities

Meaning and concept of ‘environment’ and ‘environmental pollution

UN Conferences and International environmental law

Legal and Constitutional framework for the protection of the environment in India

Environmental Impact Assessment

Control of hazardous waste in India

Concept and development of human rights

Cultural relativism and Universalism

International Bill of Rights

National Green Tribunal (NGT)

Unit 9:

Family Law

Marriage and the dissolution of it

Matrimonial remedies – Divorce and its theories

Changing dimensions of the institution of marriage and Live-in relationship

Sources and schools

Gift, wakf and will

Maintenance, dowry, and stridhan

Adoption, guardianship and acknowledgment

Succession and inheritance

Uniform Civil Code (UCC)

Recognition of foreign decrees in India on divorce and marriage

Unit 10:

IT and Intellectual Property Law

Theories of intellectual property

International conventions related to intellectual properties

Copyright and neighboring rights – Subject matters, infringement and remedies, limitations, and exceptions

Cybercrimes, adjudication, and penalties

Protection of Geographical Indications

Law of patent – Patentability, limitations and exceptions, the procedure for grant of patent, infringement, and remedies

Law of trademark – Registration of trademarks, infringement and passing off, remedies, kinds of trademarks,

Concept and meaning of intellectual property

UGC NET Law Study Material PDF For Aspirants

To prepare for UGC NET Law Exam, you must get the right and genuine study material. The study material must include the UGC NET Law question paper 2023 PDF. You can also get a pdf for the UGC NET Law question paper and solved test papers. 

You can download the various UGC NET study material for the Law Exam below.

Appear for UGC NET Law Exam Mock test

The more you appear the better it will be for you. UGC NET Mock tests help you to access the progress of your studies. You can improve in all the areas which need attention by appearing for mock tests.

UGC NET Law Exam 2023 Cut-off

For UGC NET Law Exam, you must have an idea of the previous year’s UGC NET Law Exam cut-off marks as it helps to understand the difficulty level of the exam and plan your preparation in the best possible way using the target-goal strategy.


JRF & Assistant Professor 

Assistant Professor 



























Other Important Subjects For UGC NET Exam

Career Scope After Qualifying UGC NET Law Exam

Below, we have mentioned some popular career options that can be chosen after UGC NET:

  • Legal Researcher
  • Assistant Professor or Lecturer in any UGC Approved Universities
  • Doctorate Degree in Law
  • Job in PSUs such as IOCL, BHEL, HPCL, NTPC etc.
  • Legal Consultant
  • Government Jobs
  • Solicitor General or Public Prosecutor 
  • Judicial Cadre Posts 
  • Writer or Editor of Law Books
  • Law Students trainer

UGC NET Law 2023 Exam Preparation Mantra

We’ve put together some helpful tips to help you prepare for the UGC NET Law exam. Hope that these tips will assist you in achieving successful exam results.

  • Examine the most recent exam trend and UGC NET Law syllabus.
  • Prepare a systematic timetable
  • You can make a list of UGC NET Important dates and activities so that you can review them at the last minute.
  • Make use of best Law Exam UGC NET Books 
  • Solve previous years’ papers & practice Mock Test Series to learn the exact paper pattern, labeling weightage, and exam difficulty level.
  • Check your answers with UGC NET Answer Keys and analyze your results after completing solving the papers.
  • Revise on a daily basis!

Other Important Links

We have covered a detailed guide on UGC NET Law 2023 Exam. Feel free to ask us any questions in the comment section below.

FAQs: UGC NET 2023 Law Exam

Do we immediately get a job after passing the UGC NET Law Exam?

Yes, after passing the UGC NET Law Exam, you are eligible for direct employment in a variety of government and private organisations.

Is it possible to prepare for the UGC NET Law Exam without taking any coaching?

Yes, you can prepare for the NTA NET Law Exam without coaching, but you will need high-quality study materials and guidance.

Where can I check NTA NET 2023 Law syllabus?

You can check the UGC NET Law Exam syllabus from the above article.

What is the difficulty level of the UGC NET Law Exam paper last year?

The level of the UGC NET Law Exam paper last year was very difficult.

Where can I download UGC NET Previous Year’s Question paper for Law?

You can download the UGC NET Law Exam Previous Year’s paper from the above blog.

How do I prepare for the UGC NET Law exam by using the previous year’s question papers?

First and foremost, complete the entire UGC NET Law Exam question paper independently. Then compare it to the given response key. Finally, search for the answers to the questions that were attempted incorrectly.

Is there a negative marking for wrong questions in UGC NET Exam? 

According to the marking scheme no negative marking for incorrect answers.

2 thoughts on “UGC NET Law Exam 2023: Check Syllabus, Books, Question Papers”

  1. I have completed my graduation in 5 year integrated law course and now pursuing PG Diploma in law. It is1 year course. So can give NET Examination by doing PG Diploma and not LLM?


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