10 Things IGNOU Students Should have During their Study 

Study Material:  IGNOU provides comprehensive study materials for each course. Ensure you have all the prescribed textbooks, study guides, and reference materials. 

Study Space:  Set up a dedicated and quiet study space at home where you can focus without distractions. Having a comfortable chair and good lighting is essential. 

Time Management Tools:  Use tools like a planner, calendar, or digital apps to manage your study schedule effectively. 

Internet Access:  Reliable internet access is crucial for downloading study materials, submitting assignments online, and accessing online resources. 

Computer or Laptop:  Having a computer or laptop is beneficial for online research, writing assignments, and taking online exams, if required. 

Stationery:  Stock up on essential stationery items such as pens, notebooks, notepads, highlighters, and sticky notes for note-taking and assignments. 

A Good Quality Printer:  While not mandatory, having a printer can be useful for printing study materials and assignments if you prefer hard copies. 

Backup Devices:  Regularly back up your study materials, assignments, and project work on external storage devices or cloud storage to prevent data loss. 

Active Email Account:  Ensure you have an active and regularly checked email account as IGNOU communicates important information and updates via email. 

Supportive Network:  It's helpful to have a support network of fellow students, family, or friends who understand the demands of your studies and can provide encouragement when needed. 

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