10 Things To Do To Become A Good Speaker

Practice Regularly:  Like any skill, speaking improves with practice. Practice speaking in front of a mirror, record yourself, or speak to a small audience to gain confidence and refine your delivery. 

Know Your Audience:  Understand the needs, interests, and expectations of your audience. Tailor your message and style to resonate with them, making your speech more engaging and relatable. 

Organize Your Content:  Structure your speech logically with a clear introduction, body, and conclusion. Use a compelling opening to grab the audience's attention, present your main points, and summarize your key takeaways. 

Use Visual Aids Wisely:   Visual aids like slides can enhance your message, but avoid overloading your audience with text-heavy slides. Use visuals to complement your speech, not replace it. 

Master Nonverbal Communication:   Pay attention to your body language, facial expressions, and gestures. Maintain eye contact with your audience, use open and confident postures, and modulate your voice for emphasis. 

Improve Your Vocal Delivery:  Work on your tone, pitch, and pace. Vary your vocal delivery to keep the audience engaged and emphasize important points. Avoid speaking too fast or too slowly. 

Eliminate Fillers and Nervous Habits:  Minimize the use of filler words like "um," "uh," or "like." Identify and work on any nervous habits, such as pacing or fidgeting, that may distract from your message. 

Seek Guidance:  Request feedback from peers, mentors, or trusted individuals who can provide constructive criticism. Use their insights to identify areas for improvement. 

Study Great Speakers:  Watch and learn from accomplished speakers. Observe their techniques, delivery styles, and how they connect with their audience. Analyze what makes them effective. 

Manage Stage Fright:    Many speakers experience nervousness before speaking. Manage stage fright by practicing relaxation techniques, visualizing success, and starting with smaller, less intimidating speaking opportunities. 

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