Best Maths Tricks for SSC to Solve Questions 5 Times Faster

Multiplication Techniques:

Multiplying by 11: To multiply a two-digit number by 11, just write the number twice and add the digits  together. Example: 24 * 11 = 264. Multiplying by 5: To multiply any number by 5, divide it by 2 and add a zero. Example: 36 * 5 = 180. Multiplying by 25: To multiply a number by 25, divide it by 4 and add two zeros. Example: 68 * 25 = 1700.

Squaring Techniques:

Squaring Numbers Ending in 5:  To square a number ending in 5, multiply the number formed by omitting 5 by its successor, and add 25. Example: 35^2 = 1225. 

Divisibility Rules:

Divisibility by 2 and 3:  A number is divisible by 2 if its last digit is even (0, 2, 4, 6, or 8). A number is divisible by 3 if the sum of its digits is divisible by 3. Divisibility by 9: A number is divisible by 9 if the sum of its digits is divisible  by 9.

Percentage Calculations:

Finding 10%:  To find 10% of a number, move the decimal point one place to the left. Example: 10% of 250 = 25. Finding 5%:  To find 5% of a number, find 10% and then halve it. Example: 5% of 300 = 15.

Fraction Simplification:

- Cancelling Common Factors:  When adding or subtracting fractions, cancel out common factors between the numerators and denominators to simplify before performing the operation. 

Subtraction Techniques:

- Complementary Addition:  To subtract a number quickly, add its complement. Example: To subtract 47 from 100, add 53 (47 + 53 = 100). 

Quick Addition:

- Left-to-Right Addition:  When adding a list of numbers, start with the leftmost number and add them in sequence. This reduces mental load. 

Number Rounding:

- Rounding to Nearest 10 or 100:  When dealing with large numbers, round them to the nearest 10 or 100 to simplify calculations. 

Practice Mental Math:

- Regularly practice mental math exercises to enhance your speed and accuracy. The more you practice, the faster you'll become at mental calculations. 

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