Best Maths Tricks for Competitive Exam to Solve Questions 5 Times Faster 

Improve your mental math skills by practicing addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division in your head. 

Practice Mental Calculation: 

When dealing with large numbers, round them to the nearest convenient value to simplify calculations. 

Use Approximation: 

Learn Vedic mathematics techniques like "cross multiplication" for quick multiplication of large numbers and "vertically and crosswise" for division. 

Vedic Mathematics Techniques: 

Memorize important math formulas and shortcuts for common topics like percentages, squares, cubes, and square roots. 

Shortcut Formulas: 

Simplify fractions by cancelling common factors in the numerator and denominator. This can make calculations involving fractions much faster. 

Simplify Fractions: 

Recognize patterns in numbers and equations. Some problems can be solved quickly by identifying recurring patterns. 

Use of Patterns: 

Learn divisibility rules for numbers like 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 9, and 10. These rules can help you quickly determine if a number is divisible by another. 

Divisibility Rules: 

When working with ratios, cross-cancel common factors to simplify the ratio before performing calculations. 

Cross-Canceling in Ratios: 

Maintain composure during the exam. Avoid panicking if you encounter a challenging question. 

Stay Calm and Focused:  

Always review your calculations to check for errors or missed steps before submitting your answers. 

Review Your Work: 

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