How to attempt NEET Mock Test Series like a Topper? 


Mock tests simulate the real exam environment. Treat them seriously to gauge your preparation level and identify areas for improvement. 


Understand the Purpose 

Set a specific time for taking the mock test, preferably during the same time as the actual exam. 


Plan and Schedule 

Create a quiet and distraction-free environment similar to the exam hall. 


Simulate Exam Conditions 

Stick to the time limits for each section just like in the real exam. 


Time Management 

Aim for accuracy rather than attempting every question. A few correct answers carry more weight than a lot of incorrect ones. 


Focus on Accuracy 

Start with the questions you're most confident about. Leave the difficult or time-consuming questions for later. 


Strategy for Question Selection 

Quickly go through the entire paper to get an idea of the questions and their difficulty levels. 


Skim Through First 

Be cautious with questions you're unsure about, especially if there's a negative marking. If you're guessing, make educated guesses. 


Manage Negative Marking 

If you're spending too much time on a single question, move on. Come back to it later if time allows. 


Avoid Overthinking 

Use any remaining time to review your answers and make sure you haven't missed anything. 


Review and Revise 

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