9 Mistakes You Might Make on Tests Like GRE

Lack of a Structured Study Plan:

 Not having a well-defined study plan can lead to inefficient time management and incomplete coverage of the syllabus.  

Ignoring the Basics:

 Skipping over foundational concepts in a rush to cover advanced topics can lead to a weak understanding of fundamental principles, which is crucial for solving complex questions. 

Relying Solely on Shortcuts:

While shortcuts can be helpful, relying solely on them without understanding the underlying concepts can be risky.  


 Delaying study sessions and leaving everything to the last minute can lead to stress and inadequate preparation. Consistent and early preparation is key to success. 

Neglecting Mock Tests and Practice Papers:

 Some students avoid taking regular mock tests and practicing with previous years' papers. These practice sessions help familiarize you with the exam pattern, improve time management, and identify weak areas. 

Ignoring Legal and Current Affairs:

Neglecting the legal reasoning section and current affairs can lead to a lower score. Keep yourself updated with recent legal developments and national/international events. 

Not Seeking Help When Stuck:

 If you encounter difficult concepts or questions, don't hesitate to seek help from teachers, peers, or online resources. Ignoring doubts can hinder your progress. 

Comparing Yourself Excessively:

Constantly comparing your preparation or progress with others can lead to unnecessary stress and self-doubt. Focus on your own growth and improvements. 

Overestimating or Underestimating Strengths and Weaknesses:

 Not accurately assessing your strong and weak subjects or topics can result in misallocation of study time. Both should be addressed proportionately. 

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