10 interesting Facts about the Indian Constitution

The Indian Constitution is one of the longest in the world, consisting of a preamble and 470 articles distributed among 25 parts and 12 schedules. 

Lengthy Constitution:  

he Constitution of India was adopted on January 26, 1950, which is celebrated as Republic Day, marking the day when India became a republic. 

Adopted on Republic Day:

The Indian Constitution drew inspiration from various sources, including the Government of India Act 1935, the US Constitution, the British parliamentary system, and the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. 

Borrowed Concepts:  

 Dr. B.R. Ambedkar, a key figure in India's social reform movement, played a significant role in drafting the Indian Constitution. 

Dr. B.R. Ambedkar's Role: 

These are the key words in the Preamble of the Indian Constitution, which reflects the core values and aspirations of the Indian state. 

Sovereign, Socialist, Secular, Democratic, Republic:  

Part III of the Constitution guarantees fundamental rights to the citizens, including the right to equality, freedom of speech, right to life, and protection against discrimination. 

Fundamental Rights:  

Part IV of the Constitution outlines directive principles, which are guidelines for the government to establish a just and egalitarian society.  

Directive Principles of State Policy:  

The Constitution contains provisions for declaring three types of emergencies: National Emergency, State Emergency (President's Rule), and Financial Emergency. 

Emergency Provisions:  

ndia adopted universal adult franchise from its very first election after independence. This means that every citizen over the age of 18 has the right to vote, irrespective of caste, creed, religion, or gender. 

Universal Adult Franchise: 

 While the Constitution is a rigid document, it also allows for amendments to reflect changing times. The Parliament can amend the Constitution, but certain provisions require a special majority and ratification by a specific number of states. 


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