Career Opportunity After qualifying CDS Exam

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Indian Military Academy (IMA):  If you join IMA, you will be trained to become an officer in the Indian Army. Upon successful completion of training, you will be commissioned as a Lieutenant in the Indian Army.

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Officers Training Academy (OTA):

 OTA offers training to become Short Service Commissioned Officers (SSC) for men and women. Upon completion of training, you will be commissioned as a Lieutenant in the respective armed forces

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 Upon completing training at INA, you will be commissioned as a Sub-Lieutenant in the Indian Navy and will have the opportunity to serve as a Naval officer.

Indian Naval Academy (INA):

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 Joining AFA will lead to a career as a commissioned officer in the Indian Air Force. You will be trained to handle various roles and responsibilities within the Air Force.

Indian Air Force Academy (AFA):

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Within these academies, you can also choose to specialize in specific branches such as Infantry, Artillery, Armoured Corps, Signals, Engineering, Medical, Legal, etc.,

Specialized Branches:

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 After joining, you will have the opportunity for promotions based on your performance and seniority. With time and experience, you can rise through the ranks to higher positions such as Captain, Major, Lieutenant Colonel, Colonel, and beyond.

Promotions and Advancement:

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Throughout your career, you may have opportunities for advanced training, higher education, and specialization in various fields.

Additional Training and Specializations:

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