12 Business Skills You Need To Master As An Entrepreneur

Being a delegating leader will deliver you a happy and productive team and will give you an advantage over your competition. 

Delegation skills

Effective communication allows others and yourself to understand information more accurately and quickly and to establish expectations. 

Communication skills

Effective negotiations deliver a win-win outcome in negotiations with all parties, even if one of the wins is a perception created by you for the other party. 

Negotiation skills

This is a vital business activity. Strategic planning creates the difference between busy and successful. 

Strategic planning

Leadership is none of this but rather the ability to motivate and inspire your staff towards business goals. 

Leadership skills

A well-built team generates far superior solutions and generates more productivity, per headcount, than those same staff members working independently. 

Team-building skills

Knowing how to gather, review, and evaluate data will enable the strategic use and maximum leveraging of data available to you. 

Analytical skills

Winning sales and marketing methods and policies are essential for growing your business and cultivating stability. 

Sales and marketing skills

These skills are used in directing and controlling people in a coordinated way to accomplish business goals. 

General management skills

Cash flow is the King, the President, and the Head Honcho. It creates the most stress for any SMME business. 

Cash flow management skills

Upskill yourself or contract in a supporting professional who knows how to interpret and analyze your financial statements. 

Financial management skills

This skill will ensure the most effective and productive use of the fleeting resource: time and is a very important skill to master. 

Time management skills

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