10 Highly Paid Non-IT Jobs in India 

About the job: A business analyst assesses the processes, systems, and business model to find out about the organization’s technology integration. 

Business Analyst(₹607,209) 

Market research analysts design and shape the plans to advertise market products and services of an organization. 

Market Research Analyst (₹354,447.) 

As a digital marketing strategist, your job is to align business objectives with relevant online marketing channels and platforms. 

Digital Marketing Strategist(₹724,138) 

Social media allows marketers to reach customers in the global market in a cost-effective way. 

Social Media Manager(₹344,137) 

One of the highest paying non-IT jobs in India, Marketing managers are in charge of promoting and selling branded products and services. 

Marketing Manager (₹701,976) 

Business developers act as a company’s point of contact with its existing and new clients. 

Business Development Manager (₹600,480) 

Management consultants offer their expertise in solving business problems, improving performance, and maximizing growth. 

Management Consultant (₹1,149,770) 

The advertising and media industry is competitive but equally rewarding. 

Advertising and Media Professional (₹8,35,865) 

Investment bankers act as intermediaries in the company-public interface through public offerings, handling stocks, and selling equities. 

Investment Banker (₹995,772) 

A legal consultant is generally an attorney who helps a corporation with regard to matters of law. 

Legal Counsel (₹7,86,138) 

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