Calculus - Numerous mathematical and scientific developments over the past 300 years have their roots in Newton’s calculus work.
Reflecting Telescope - A reflecting telescope is a kind of telescope that collects and concentrates light using a mirror.
Color Spectrum - One of the first people to investigate the nature of white light was Isaac Newton, who did experiments with light and color in the late 17th century.
Laws of Motion - A body interaction with the forces operating on it is described by a set of three physical rules known as Newton’s laws of motion.
Law of Universal Gravitation - Isaac Newton developed the scientific idea known as the law of universal gravitation in the late 17th century.
Method of Fluxions - Isaac Newton created the method of fluxions, often referred to as the method of fluents, in the late 17th century to describe the rate of change of a variable.
The invention of the Sextant - The sextant is a navigational tool that measures the angle between the horizon and a celestial object, like the sun or a star, in order to estimate the position of a ship.
Discovery of the Nature of White Light - A series of prism experiments led Isaac Newton to discover the nature of white light.
Law of Cooling - Newton’s law of cooling, which was created by Isaac Newton, describes how an object cools.
Newton's Orbital Cannon Newton didn't plan to fire at alien invaders. His orbital cannon was a mere thought experiment explaining how one object might orbit another.