7 Important Tips to Avoid Silly Mistakes in Exams

Not using the extra 15 minutes properly -  Instead of making a strategy to solve the paper in the first 15 minutes of the exam, most of the students make the mistake of just reading.

Fail to understand the sense of a question -  Exam stress and nervousness in students reduce their thinking ability. Eventually, they write an answer without including the appropriate fact or concept.

Not taking care of the word limit for each answer -  Most students have a mindset that the longer the answer, the more marks they will gain. This is completely untrue.

Lack of time management -  Time management is crucial for acing the board exams. Even knowing this fact very well, students still fail to manage time while writing the exam.

Copying incorrect data -  Sometimes students copy the data given in the question paper incorrectly. Students should take extra care as it might save a couple of marks in the exam.

Leaving the easy questions for the last hour -  Most of the students have an idea to attempt the difficult questions first and then write the easy questions in the last which is not always a good idea.

Missing to write proper units in answers -  Every single unit if missed will lead to a loss of a half mark which is really important while calculating the overall percentage.

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