10 Unusual Courses That You Have Never Heard Before

 This course combines elements of literature and science to explore the magical world of Harry Potter. 

The Science of Harry Potter:

This course delves into the history, cultural impact, and survival strategies related to zombies.

Zombie Studies:

This course explores the artistic and creative potential of LEGO bricks. Students learn advanced building techniques, create sculptures, and delve into the history of LEGO as a form of artistic expression.

The Art of LEGO:

This course applies scientific principles to analyze the superpowers of popular superheroes.

The Science of Superheroes: 

This course combines elements of history and philosophy to examine the concept of time travel.

The History and Philosophy of Time Travel:

This course teaches the constructed language of Klingon, used in the Star Trek series.

The Language of Klingon: 

This course delves into the scientific principles behind chocolate production.

The Science of Chocolate:

This course examines walking as a form of artistic expression and explores its role in various cultures and societies.

The Art of Walking: 

This course challenges societal notions of waste and explores the potential for creative and sustainable solutions. 

The Joy of Garbage:

This course explores the psychological aspects of video gaming.

The Psychology of Gaming:

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