10 Unusual Courses that You Have Never Heard Before

Spa Management 

This unusual course helps you gain knowledge about running a spa center or giving spa treatments. 



Wine Tasting 

Even though it might sound surprising, wine tasting is an actual course. 



Game Design 

This unusual course will be ideal for someone who loves to play video games. 



DJ and Music Production 

Another unusual course that you can pursue is DJ and music production. If you love music and have good taste, you can make your passion a career. 



Baking Science and Technology Course 

Baking is one of the most unconventional careers that break gender stereotypes. 



Equine Psychology 

Another unusual course that you might find intriguing if you love animals is equine psychology. 



Peace and Conflict Studies 

If you have a keen interest in political science or international relations, you can pursue a course in peace and conflict studies. 



Comedy Courses 

If you have an amazing sense of humor and love to make people laugh, or if you generally throw around punchlines that tickle the funny bone of people. 



Bartending Course 

Another unusual course that you might be hearing about for the first time is bartending. 




You can pursue an unusual course in puppetry to learn more about this traditional form of art. 



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