8 Universities with Higher ROI than IITs and IIMs

Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) - United States:  Known for its exceptional programs in science, engineering and technology, MIT is consistently ranked highly for its research and innovation.

Stanford University - United States: Stanford University is recognized for its strong emphasis on entrepreneurship and innovation. 

Harvard University - United States: Harvard is renowned for its world-class education across various disciplines. 

California Institute of Technology (Caltech) - United States: United States: Caltech is a leading institution for science and engineering.

University of Oxford - United Kingdom: Oxford is one of the oldest and most prestigious universities globally.   

The University of Cambridge - United Kingdom: Cambridge is another renowned university that offers excellent academic programs across various disciplines.

Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Zurich (ETH Zurich) - Switzerland: ETH Zurich is a top-tier institution for science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) fields. 

University of Hong Kong - Hong Kong: The University of Hong Kong is a leading institution in Asia, offering a diverse range of academic programs.

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