CV vs Resume: Understanding the Key Differences 

White Frame Corner
White Frame Corner

CV and resume are both commonly used terms when it comes to job applications, but they have distinct differences in terms of their purpose.  

Resume -  A resume, on the other hand, is a concise summary of a person's skills, work experience, education, and achievements. 

CV -  It is commonly used in academic and research positions or when applying for graduate programs. 

Purpose -   

Resume -  A resume is usually limited to one or two pages, focusing on the most relevant and recent information related to the targeted job. 

CV -  It can span several pages, particularly for individuals with extensive academic or research backgrounds. 

Length -  

Resume -  A resume highlights work experience, skills, achievements, and qualifications directly related to the job being applied for. 

CV -  It provides a comprehensive picture of the individual's academic and professional history. 

Content -  

Resume -  A resume allows for more flexibility and customization. 

CV -  A CV follows a standardized format and structure, with less room for customization. 

Flexibility -  

Resume -  Resumes are widely used for corporate jobs, internships, entry-level positions, and jobs in non-academic sectors. 

CV -  CVs are commonly used for academic positions, research opportunities, fellowships, and applications to graduate schools. 

Usage -  

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