7 Exam Preparation Myths Busted! 

Fact: Cramming may provide short-term memorization, but it hinders long-term retention and understanding.

Myth: Cramming the Night Before is Effective.

Fact: The length of study sessions does not guarantee success. Quality over quantity is key. 

Myth: Study for Long Hours to Succeed. 

Fact: While highlighting and underlining can help draw attention to key points, they should not be the sole study method.  

Myth: Highlighting and Underlining are Sufficient.

Fact: Pulling all-nighters can lead to sleep deprivation, fatigue, and decreased cognitive function. 

Myth: All-Nighters Boost Performance. 

Fact: Rereading notes alone is a passive learning technique that may not be effective for long-term retention. 

Myth: Rereading Notes is Sufficient Revision. 

Fact: Multitasking divides attention and leads to decreased focus and comprehension. 

Myth: Multitasking Improves Productivity. 

Fact: Short breaks during study sessions allow the brain to recharge and improve concentration. 

Myth: Taking Breaks is Wasting Time. 

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