9 Types of People you find in Every College Fest

The Organizers

These are the students who are responsible for planning and executing the college fest. They handle logistics and ensure the smooth functioning of the event.

The Enthusiastic Participants

These are the students who actively participate in various competitions and events held during the college fest. They are eager to showcase their talents and compete with others.

The Spectators

These are the students who attend the fest primarily to watch the performances and enjoy the atmosphere. They cheer for their friends and favorite performers.

The Foodies

College fests often have food stalls and vendors offering a variety of cuisines. The foodies are the ones who thoroughly enjoy trying out different dishes and snacks available at the fest.

The Fashionistas

These students pay a lot of attention to their appearance and dress up in trendy outfits for the fest. They enjoy fashion shows, ramp walks, and competitions related to style and grooming.

The Volunteers

These are the students who selflessly offer their time and assistance to help the organizers during the fest. They may handle registration desks.

The Social Media Enthusiasts

These students are always seen capturing moments and sharing them on social media platforms. They take photos and videos of the performances, decor, and everything else that catches their attention.

The Competitive Spirits

College fests often have sports competitions like football, basketball, cricket, or athletics.

The Party Animals

After the daytime events, there are usually night parties or DJ nights organized as part of the college fest.