10 Most Difficult Programming Languages in the World


Developed in 1998 as a joke, Malbolge is considered one of the most difficult programming languages because of its intentionally obfuscated syntax and bizarre design. 


Another intentionally difficult language, Brainfuck has only 8 commands and requires the programmer to manually manage memory allocation, making it both difficult to write and read. 


Based on the fictional language spoken by orangutans in Terry Pratchett's Discworld series, Ook! requires the programmer to write code using only the words "ook" and "ook?". 


As its name suggests, Whitespace uses only whitespace characters (spaces, tabs, and line breaks) to write code, making it difficult to read and understand. 


Created as a parody of overly complex programming languages, INTERCAL uses confusing syntax and random keywords to make programming challenging and frustrating. 

Assembly language:  

While not intentionally difficult, Assembly language is considered challenging because it requires the programmer to write code in low-level machine language, which is highly specific to the hardware being used. 


Widely used in software development, C++ is considered difficult because of its complex syntax, strict typing, and the need to manually manage memory allocation. 


A functional programming language, Haskell is considered difficult because of its abstract concepts, such as monads and functors, which can be difficult to understand for programmers used to imperative languages. 


A logic programming language, Prolog is considered difficult because of its declarative syntax and complex rule-based programming paradigm, which can be challenging to learn and master. 


A functional programming language, Lisp is considered difficult because of its syntax, which uses a lot of parentheses and prefix notation, as well as its complex macros and functions. 

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