10 Most Dangerous Planets in the Known Universe

Gliese 581c

Located 20 light-years away in the Libra constellation, Gliese 581c is a planet that orbits very close to its star, resulting in scorching temperatures that make it inhospitable to life. 

HD 189773b

Located 63 light-years away in the Vulpecula constellation, HD 189773b has an atmosphere filled with high-speed winds and glass-like rain, making it a dangerous destination for human exploration. 


Located 600 light-years away in the Auriga constellation, WASP-12b is a gas giant with a scorching temperature of over 2,000 degrees Celsius, making it one of the hottest planets known. 


Located 2,000 light-years away in the Cygnus constellation, Kepler-70b is a rocky planet with surface temperatures that can reach up to 7,000 degrees Celsius due to its close proximity to its star. 


Located 750 light-years away in the Draco constellation, TrES-2b is a planet that absorbs almost all the light that falls on it, making it one of the darkest planets known. 

GJ 1214b

Located 42 light-years away in the Ophiuchus constellation, GJ 1214b is a planet with a thick atmosphere that creates a high-pressure environment, making it inhospitable to human life. 


Located 21,500 light-years away in the Sagittarius constellation, OGLE-2005-BLG-390Lb is a planet that orbits a dim, cool star and has a surface temperature of -220 degrees Celsius, making it one of the coldest planets known. 

PSR J1719-1438 b

Located 4,000 light-years away in the Serpens constellation, PSR J1719-1438 b is a planet that orbits a pulsar, a highly magnetized neutron star, and is believed to be composed entirely of diamond. 


Located 640 light-years away in the Lyra constellation, Kepler-438b is a planet that receives high levels of radiation from its star, making it a dangerous environment for  human life. 

Gliese 436b

Located 33 light-years away in the Leo constellation, Gliese 436b is a planet with a hydrogen-rich atmosphere that creates a high-pressure environment, making it a dangerous destination for human exploration. 

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