Top 10 ancient languages that thrive today

Top 10 ancient languages that thrive today

A language that was spoken by Jesus Christ and is still spoken by some Assyrian and Chaldean Christians in parts of the Middle East. 


An ancient language that was revived in the late 19th century and is now the official language of Israel. 


The language of the ancient Egyptians, which is still used as a liturgical language by the Coptic Orthodox Church. 


An ancient language of India that is still used in religious and scholarly contexts. 2. Greek - an ancient language that is still spoken in Greece and Cyprus, and is used as a liturgical language by the Greek Orthodox Church.


Although no longer spoken as a mother tongue, Latin is still used in science, law, and religion. 


An ancient language of southern India that is still spoken by millions of people. 


An ancient language that is still spoken in Iran and parts of Central Asia. 


A language with a long history that is still spoken by billions of people today. 


An ancient language of Central America that is still spoken by some indigenous communities.


 When deciding on a language to learn, you should consider which countries are robust enough to with


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