The situation in Niger's education system is getting worse. There are many problems with the way education is handled in Niger, including early marriage and child labor.
Education in Niger
Burkina Faso is an impoverished West African country with an estimated net primary enrollment rate was 36 percent. Most schools are run by religious organizations.
Burkina Faso
Mali is a landlocked country located in West Africa. The education system in Mali is influenced by the country’s history, which is where the problems start.
Education in Mali
The Central African Republic has one of the world’s worst education systems. Much of its education remains very low quality.
Education in the Central African Republic
Ethiopia is a landlocked country in the Horn of Africa. Most of the students here come out of school illiterate, unskilled, and with poor job prospects.
Education in Ethiopia
Eritrea has been considered a democratic country, but it still does not have citizens with all the tools required to understand the true value of education.
Education in Eritrea
As one of the poorest countries in the world, the Eritrean education system is not much of an achievement.
Education in Guinea
The Republic of Chad is a landlocked country in north-central Africa. The education systems in place in Chad have been described as “worse than other countries of Africa”.
Education in Chad
The Gambia is a small country in mainland Africa with a population of 2,173,999 but there is a big difference in the education levels between men and women.
Education in The Gambia
Angola is a country in southwestern Africa. The Angolan Government has not done a good job in terms of the education sector.
Education in Angola