6 Colleges with Unique Graduation Traditions

Harvard University:

At Harvard's graduation, each graduate receives a diploma written in Latin. After the ceremony, they can exchange it for an English version. 

Sweet Briar College:

This women's college in Virginia holds a tradition called the "ringing out ceremony." Graduating seniors gather in front of the college's main building and ring the bell 21 times to signify the end of their time at Sweet Briar. 

United States Naval Academy:

Graduating seniors at this Maryland institution toss their midshipmen covers (hats) in the air after receiving their diplomas. This tradition dates back to the 1912 graduation ceremony. 

University of Oxford:

At Oxford, the graduation ceremony is called "Encaenia." Graduates wear traditional academic dress and process through the streets of Oxford before entering the Sheldonian Theatre for the ceremony. 

Smith College:

Smith College's graduation ceremony features the "Ivy Day" tradition, where students plant ivy near the college's library.  

University of Notre Dame:

Notre Dame graduates receive a special diploma that includes a copy of the university's seal that has been embossed with a gold foil. 

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