10 Strangest Student Societies On Planet Earth 

This society, made up of journalists and writers, was formed in the 1990s. Its members aim to include a phrase in their articles or stories that refers to a specific obscure phrase or term, known as the "occult hand." The goal is to see if other members of the society can identify the phrase.

The Order of the Occult Hand

 This exclusive society, founded in the late 18th century at Oxford University, is known for its lavish dinners, excessive drinking, and rowdy behavior. Members are typically wealthy and influential, and the club has been criticized for its elitism and exclusionary practices.

The Bullingdon Club

This club, founded in the 19th century at Cambridge University, is dedicated to the consumption of pudding. Members hold regular events where they sample and rate different types of pudding, and they even have their own cookbook.

The Pudding Club 

 This society, founded in the 1970s at Oxford University, is known for its extreme sporting events. Members have engaged in activities such as bungee jumping from hot air balloons, tobogganing down the St. Moritz Cresta Run, and sailing across the English Channel in a bathtub.

The Dangerous Sports Club 

This society, founded in the early 20th century at the University of North Carolina, is known for its secret rituals and initiation ceremonies. Members are selected for their leadership qualities and are required to wear a golden fleece as a symbol of their membership. 

The Order of the Golden Fleece  

This literary and debating society, founded in the late 19th century at New York University, is known for its strict secrecy and mysterious rituals. Members are required to take an oath of secrecy, and the society has been accused of engaging in occult practices.

The Eucleian Society 

This society, founded at the University of Wyoming, is dedicated to the study of mythical creatures such as Bigfoot and the Loch Ness Monster. Members gather and share stories and evidence of sightings, and they have even organized expeditions to search for these creatures.

The Cryptozoology Club 

This society, founded in the 19th century, promotes the idea that the earth is flat rather than round. Members reject scientific evidence to the contrary and instead rely on their own interpretations of scripture and personal experiences.

The Flat Earth Society 

This society, founded in the 1960s at California State University, is dedicated to the celebration of the pineapple as a symbol of excellence and good luck. Members engage in various activities, such as awarding a "Pineapple Prize" to notable individuals and organizations.

The Order of the Pineapple 

This society, inspired by the fictional sport in the Harry Potter series, has been formed at numerous universities around the world. Members play a real-life version of the game, which involves flying broomsticks and trying to score points by throwing a ball through hoops.

The Quidditch Society 

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