10 Types Of Teachers You Will See In All Schools And Colleges

The explainer is good at 

explaining grammar or vocabulary entertaining the students with presentation In other words, the explainer knows the subject matter well.

The Delegator is 

– Concerned with learner autonomy. – A step ahead of the facilitator.

The involver is good at

involving the students in the learning process through task using a variety of different techniques and activities to help students learn In other words, the involver knows the subject matter and methodology well.

The Facilitator encourages 

Student participation by asking questions, exploring options, and suggesting alternatives, so as to promote student-teacher and student-student interaction and more control over their own learning.

The enabler is good at 

creating the conditions where students do the learning planning around the learners so that the teacher becomes less visible – the students and their learning are the main focus. In other words, the enabler knows the subject matter, methodology and the learners well.

The Lazy teacher is good at 

not teaching too much since that would complicate things when he or she has to assess learners. assessing students in a way that everyone passes the class so he or she doesn’t have to deal with the consequences of students failing her class. finding opportunities to avoid doing his / her job.

The strict teacher is good at 

-giving strong motivation so their learner realizes how important learning is. -being responsible because they want to be role models for other teachers and learners. -managing classes well.

The expert is good at 

Showing his/her knowledge about the subject. Providing students with a lot of information Pushing students to learn more and more effectively.

The Authoritarian Teacher is concerned 

– With providing students with the structure they need to learn: learning goals, feedback, rules of conduct, etc.

The Personal Model believes 

S/he can teach by personal example S/he models example behaviors and encourages students to follow suit.

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