10 Types of Students We Find in the Exam Hall 

The Over-Prepared  


This student arrives with a multitude of pens, pencils, rulers, highlighters, and several meticulously color-coded notes. 

The Crammer 


This student may have neglected their studies throughout the semester but tries to make up for it by cramming all the material the night before the exam.  

The Procrastinator 


This student is known for leaving everything to the last minute. They arrive in the exam hall looking frazzled, having pulled an all-nighter to study. 

The Confident One 


This student exudes confidence and walks into the exam hall with a swagger. They are sure of their abilities and approach the exam with ease. 

The Nervous Wreck 


This student is anxious and jittery. They constantly fidget and have a worried expressions on their face. 

The Master of Cheating 


This student is known for their ingenious ways of cheating, whether it's writing notes on their arm, sneaking in a cheat sheet, or using hidden electronic devices. 

The Daydreamer 


This student often has a distant look in their eyes, lost in their own world of daydreams. 

The Speed Demon 


This student is lightning-fast in completing the exam. They race through the questions, barely taking the time to read them carefully. 

The Questioner 


This student is always questioning the exam instructions, seeking clarification on every little detail. 

The "I Give Up" Attitude 


This type of student may start the exam with a defeatist attitude, leaving questions unanswered or providing minimal effort, resulting in subpar performance. 

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