10 Things Students Love to Hate About College

The burden of paying off student loans is one of the biggest concerns for college students.  

Student Loans: 

Some textbooks can cost hundreds of dollars each semester, which adds up quickly. 

Cost of Textbooks: 

Many students struggle to wake up for early morning classes, especially if they are not morning people.  

Early Morning Classes:  

Group projects can be a source of frustration for students who feel that their group members are not pulling their weight. 

Group Projects: 

Finding a parking spot on campus can be a nightmare, especially during peak hours.  


While many professors are great, there are some who are not as helpful or supportive as students would like.  


Some students feel that grading is unfair or inconsistent. This can lead to anxiety and stress, especially if their grades are lower than they expected. 


College students often struggle to get enough sleep due to busy schedules and late-night studying. 

Lack of Sleep:  

Many students feel pressure to fit in socially and may engage in activities that are not in their best interest.  

Social Pressure: 

Many college students work part-time or full-time jobs while going to school, which can be a challenging balancing act.  

Balancing Work and School: 

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