6 key skills your Future Boss thinks you're missing 

It's best to communicate with your boss or employer directly to understand their expectations and work towards developing the skills that are most relevant to your specific job and career goals. 

Employers may expect employees to possess leadership skills to effectively guide and motivate their teams, make strategic decisions, and drive results. 

Strong communication skills, including both verbal and written communication, are critical for effective workplace interactions, and collaborating with colleagues. 

Being able to quickly learn new skills, embrace change, and thrive in ambiguous situations can make an employee more valuable to their employer. 

Employers appreciate employees who can identify problems, analyze situations, and offer practical and innovative solutions to address challenges and improve processes. 

The ability to understand and manage emotions, both in yourself and others, is increasingly seen as a valuable skill in the workplace. 

Employers may expect employees to be proficient in using various digital tools, software, and platforms to enhance productivity and stay competitive. 

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