10 Fun Hobbies to Start While You’re in College


Experiment with new recipes, learn to cook healthy meals and impress your friends with your culinary skills. 


Capture the beauty of your campus, explore different photography techniques, and document your college memories through stunning photos. 

Outdoor Sports

Join a sports club or intramural league and engage in activities like soccer, basketball, ultimate frisbee, or even rock climbing. 


You can take a painting or drawing class, or simply set up your own art studio in your dorm room or a designated area on campus. 


You can volunteer at local organizations, participate in community service projects, or get involved in campus initiatives. 


Learn to play a musical instrument, join a band or choir, or simply enjoy playing music as a form of relaxation and self-expression. 


Explore the natural beauty around your college campus by going on hikes and nature walks. It's a great way to stay active and enjoy the outdoors. 


Writing can be a therapeutic hobby that allows you to express your thoughts and feelings creatively. 


Plant flowers, herbs, or even vegetables and watch them grow. Gardening can be a calming and rewarding hobby. 

Board Games

Ranging from classic board games like Monopoly and Scrabble to modern strategy games that offer hours of entertainment and friendly competition. 

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