Top 10 Time Management Strategies for Medical Students

Set a Daily and Weekly Schedule  Build a schedule of all your tasks and use a planner to stay organized. In medical school, time is your biggest asset. Planning daily and weekly tasks allows you to set aside time for academic activities such as lectures and tests 

Find Your Why -  What's your motivation for doing this? Personal fulfillment, financial stability, personal pride, love of learning? Find your motivation and let it drive you forward. 

Attend Lectures and Pay Attention It can be tempting to skip certain classes, especially if they are streamed online and you can watch them when you choose to. But you must make your decision keeping your personal grasping power and retention capabilities.

Look Up Test Review Resources During lectures and classes, professors tend to stress upon certain concepts for each subject. This material is usually emphasized on standardized tests like the United States Medical Licensing Exam (USMLE), and you’re likely to be tested on it during your course. 

Manage Yourself -  Plan, schedule, follow through, follow up, measures results, and hold yourself accountable for what needs to be done. 

Develop a Habit of Consistency    College is usually too packed with activities for you to stick to a routine, but try to be as consistent as possible. If your body settles into a rhythm for waking, sleeping, eating and exercising at the same time daily, it becomes easier for you to focus and stick to your planned schedule. 

Have Self-Awareness -  If you're stressed, think through why it's happening. If you're not performing well, trace your habits and look for weaknesses. 

Believe in Life-Long Learning -  Even when the grades stop, learning shouldn't. The skills you gain in college help you learn at every opportunity. 

Stay Away from Distractions  At least while studying, turn off your cellphone or put it on silent. Sign out of social media if you’re working on your computer or laptop. This removes the temptation of checking each message, email, or update you receive, and helps you focus on studying instead. 

Believe in Yourself -  Don't forget that regardless of the grades or the degrees, you are enough. Don't forget to love yourself, be yourself, and find the good in yourself - then share it with others. 

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