10 Golden Teachings of Swami Vivekananda 

Be fearless and strong  Fear is the cause of all misery. Be fearless and have faith in yourself. 

Cultivate the power of concentration  The power of concentration is the key to success. Concentrate your mind on one thing at a time and do it with all your heart. 

Serve others selflessly  The highest form of worship is to serve others selflessly. Serve the poor and the needy with love and compassion. 

Practice meditation  Meditation is the key to inner peace and happiness. Meditate regularly and you will find that all your worries and troubles disappear. 

Control your mind  The mind is like a wild elephant that needs to be tamed. Control your mind and you will be the master of your destiny. 

See the divine in all   See the divine in all beings and treat them with love and respect. The same divine power that is within you is also within others. 

Have faith in yourself  Believe in yourself and have faith in your abilities. You are capable of achieving great things. 

Be truthful and honest  Truthfulness and honesty are the hallmarks of a great person. Always speak the truth and be honest in your dealings with others. 

Develop self-discipline  Self-discipline is the foundation of all success. Develop self-discipline and you will be able to achieve anything you desire. 

Strive for self-realization  The ultimate goal of life is self-realization. Strive to realize your true nature and you will attain the highest state of consciousness. 

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