RTU Syllabus Mechanical Engineering 7th Semester 2021

RTU Syllabus Mechanical Engineering 7th Semester

RTU Syllabus Mechanical Engineering 7th Semester: The Syllabus for RTU Mechanical engineering 7th Semester is designed in a way to help students get a clear understanding of the course structure and its objectives. With the latest RTU Syllabus Mechanical Engineering 7th Semester, students get to know the chapters and concepts to be covered in all subjects.

Based on the score in Mechanical Engineering degree, you can apply for better career opportunities. RTU Conducts Mechanical Engineering Semester Exams in every six months. If you know the latest RTU Syllabus Mechanical Engineering 7th Semester then it will be very helpful to prepare for the exam.

In the depth knowledge in every topic of Mechanical Engineering 7th Semester will also helpful to crack the various competitive exams like Gate, IES, etc.

Here we are providing you the complete guide on RTU Syllabus Mechanical Engineering 7th Semester 2021 and Marking Scheme.

RTU Syllabus Mechanical Engineering 7th Semester 2021

All semesters are important stages for every Mechanical Engineering student’s life. It is important to score more in better marks in Mechanical engineering if you need to have a bright career.

To boost your semester exam preparation, you should have Mechanical 7th Semster books & study materials, Previous years questions paper along with the latest Mechnical 7th sem Syllabus.

Before starting the complete guide on RTU Syllabus Mechanical Engineering 7th Semester 2021, let’s check the highlights of RTU from the table below.

RTU Kota Highlights:

Establishment 2006
Formation Govt. of Rajasthan
Type of University State
Approvals UGC
Admission through: Merit-Based
Affiliations AICTE
University Location Rajasthan Technical University,
Rawathbhata Road Kota-324010, Rajasthan, India.

Check the latest syllabus for RTU Mechanical Engineering 7th sem from below.

RTU 7th Sem Mechanical Engineering Subjects And Syllabus

Finite Element Methods

Unit Contents
I Introduction to FEM and its applicability, Review of :Matrix algebra, Gauss elimination method, Uniqueness of solution, Banded symmetric matrix and bandwidth.
Structure analysis: Two-force member element, Local stiffness matrix, coordinate transformation, Assembly, Global stiffness matrix, imposition of Boundary conditions, Properties of stiffness matrix
II One-dimensional Finite Element Analysis: Basics of structural mechanics, stress and strain tensor, constitutive relation, Principle of minimum Potential, General steps of FEM, Finite element model concept / Discretization, Derivation of finite elements, equations using potential energy approach for linear and quadratic 1-D bar element,
Shape functions and their properties, Assembly, Boundary conditions, Computation of stress and strain.
III Two Dimensional Finite Element Analysis: Finite element formulation using three nodded triangular (CST) element , Plane stress and Plain strain problems,
Shape functions, node numbering and connectivity, Assembly, Boundary conditions, Isoparametric formulation of 1-D bar elements,
Numerical integration using gauss quadrature formula, computation of stress and strain.
IV Finite Element Formulation from Governing Differential Equation: Method of Weighted Residuals, Collocation, Sub domain method, Least Square method and Galerkin’s method,
Application to one dimensional problems, one-dimensional heat transfer, etc. introduction to variational formulation (Ritz Method.)
V Higher Order Elements: Lagrange’s interpolation formula for one and two independent variable, Convergence of solution, compatibility, element continuity, static condensation, p and h methods of mesh refinement, Aspect ratio and element shape,
Application of FEM, Advantages of FEM, Introduction to the concept of element mass matrix in dynamic analysis.

Text Books:

1 Seshu P.,”Text Book of Finite Element Analysis”, Prentice Hall India

Reference Books

SN Name of Authors /Books /Publisher
1 Dixit, U. S., “Finite Element Methods for Engineers” Cengage Learning
2 Finite Element Procedure in Engineering Analysis, Bathe K.J., Prentice Hall India.
3 An Introduction to the Finite Element Method, Reddy J.N., Tata McGraw- Hill, New Delhi
4 Concepts & Applications of Finite Element Analysis, Cook and Plesha, Willey India New Delhi.
5 Introduction to Finite Elements in Engineering, Chandupatla and Belegundu, Prentice Hall India.

Refrigeration And Air Conditioning

Unit Contents
I Introduction: Refrigeration and second law of Thermodynamics, Refrigeration effect and unit of Refrigeration, Heat pump, reversed Carnot cycle.

Vapour Compression Refrigeration System: Analysis of simple vapour compression Refrigeration cycle by p-h and T-S diagram. Effect of operating conditions

Multiple Evaporator and compressor system: Application, air compressor system, Individual compressor, compound compression, cascade system. Application, air compressor systems, individual compressor, compound compression, cascade system.
II Gas Cycle Refrigeration: Limitation of Carnot cycle with gas, reversed Brayton cycle, Brayton cycle with regenerative heat exchanger.
Air cycle for air craft: Necessity of cooling of air craft, Basic cycle, boot strap, regenerative type air craft refrigeration cycle.
III Other refrigeration systems (description only): Vapour absorption refrigeration system, Electrolux refrigerator, Lithium Bromide – Water system, Water vapour refrigeration system, Vortex tube refrigeration system, thermo electric refrigeration system.
Refrigerants: Classification, Nomenclature, selection of Refrigerants, global warming potential of CFC Refrigerants.

Refrigeration Equipments: Compressor, condenser, evaporator, expansion devices, types & working.

IV Psychrometry: Psychrometric properties, psychometric relations, pyschrormetric charts, psychrometric processes, cooling coils, By-pass factor, Apparatus Dew point temperature and air washers.
Human Comfort: Mechanism of body heat losses, factors affecting human comfort, effective temperature, comfort chart.
V Cooling load calculations: Internal heat gain, system heat gain, RSHF, ERSHF, GSHF, cooling load estimation, heating load estimation, psychrometric calculation for cooling.
Selection of air conditioning: Apparatus for cooling and dehumidification, Air conditioning system, year round air conditioning.

Text Book

1 Arora, C.P., Refrigeration and Air Conditioning, Tata McGraw Hill

Reference Books

SN Name of Authors /Books /Publisher
1 Stoecker W.F., “Refrigeration & Air Conditioning” McGraw Hill Publication.
2 Andrew D. Althouse., “Modern Refrigeration & Air Conditioning”

GoodHeart-Willcox Co.

3 Jorden & Priester, Refrigeration & Air Conditioning, Prentice Hall of India.
4 Roy J. Dossat, Principal of Refrigeration, Pearson Education, New Delhi.
5 Edward G. Pita, Air Conditioning Principles and Systems, Pearson Education, New Delhi.
6 Jain V.K., Refrigeration & Air Conditioning, Tata McGraw Hill New Delhi.

Operations Research

Unit Contents
I Overview of Operations Research
Linear Programming: Applications and model formulation, Graphical method, Simplex method, duality and Sensitivity analysis.
Transportation Model and Assignment Model including travelling salesman problem.
II Integer Linear Programming: Enumeration and cutting Plane solution concept, Gomory’s all integer cutting plane method, Branch and Bound Algorithms, applications of zero-one integer programming.
Replacement Models: Capital equipment replacement with time, group replacement of items subjected to total failure.
III Queuing Theory: Analysis of the following queues with Poisson pattern of arrival and exponentially distributed service times, Single channel queue with infinite customer population, Multichannel queue with infinite customer population,
Competitive Situations and Solutions: Game theory, two person zero sum game, saddle point, minimax (maximin) method of optimal strategies, value of the game. Solution of games with saddle points, dominance principle. Rectangular games without saddle point – mixed strategy, approximate solution, and simplified analysis for other competitive situations. Application of linear programming
IV Theory of Decision making: Decision making under certainty, risk and uncertainty. Decision trees.
Deterministic Inventory control models: functional role of inventory, inventory costs, model building, Single item inventory control model without shortages, with shortage and quantity discount. Inventory control model with uncertain demand, service level, safety stock, P and Q systems, two bin system. Single period model. Selective Inventory control techniques.
V Probabilistic Inventory control models: Instantanoues demand without setup cost and with setup cost, Continuous demand without setup cost
Simulation: Need of simulation, advantages and disadvantages of simulation method of simulation. Generation of Random numbers, Generation of Normal Random numbers. Use of random numbers for system simulation. , Monte Carlo simulation, simulation language ARENA, Application of simulation for solving queuing Inventory Maintenance, Scheduling and other industrial problems

Text Book

1 Operations Research, Ravindran, Phillips and Solberg, Wiley India.

Reference Books

SN Name of Authors /Books /Publisher
1 Introduction to Operations Research, Hillier F.S. and Lieberman G.J.,

CBS Publishers.

2 Operations Research, Taha H.A., Pearson Education
3 Linear Programming and Network Flows, Bazaraa, Jarvis and Sherali,

Wiley India.

4 Principles of Operations Research, Wagner H.M., Prentice Hall of India.
5 Operations Research, Gupta and Heera, S. Chand Publications.


Unit Contents
I Basic Concepts of Turbo Machines: Definition & classification of Turbo machine, Basic laws and governing equations: continuity equation, steady flow energy equation(1st law of thermodynamics),2nd law of thermodynamics applied to turbo machines, Newton’s 2nd law of motion applied to turbomachines – Euler’s pump equation and Euler’s turbine equation
Dimensional analysis applied to hydraulic machines, power coefficient, flow coefficient, head coefficient, non-dimensional specific speed, Range of specific speeds for various turbo machines, Dimensional analysis applied to compressible flow machines, pressure ratio as a Function of temperature ratio, mass flow rate parameter and speed parameter
II Centrifugal Compressors and Fans: Components and description, velocity iagrams, slip factor, energy transfer, power input factor, stage pressure rise and loading coefficient, pressure coefficient, degree of reaction, Centrifugal compressor characteristic, surging, rotating Stall and Choking
Axial Flow Compressors and Fans: Basic constructional features, Advantages of axial flow compressors, working principle, velocity triangle, elementary theory, stage work, work done factor, stage loading, degree of reaction; vortex theory, simple design calculations, introduction to blade design, cascade test, compressibility effects, operating characteristics
Reciprocating Compressors: Basic constructional features, working principle, work done calculation, single and double acting compressors
III Centrifugal Pumps: Main parts, work done and velocity triangles, slip and slip factor, pump losses and efficiencies, minimum starting speed, net positive suction head, performance curve.
Axial Flow Pumps: Description, velocity triangles, work done on the fluid, energy transfer, axial pump characteristics, cavitation.
Reciprocating Pumps: Classification, component and working, single acting and double acting, discharge, work done and power required, coefficient of discharge, indicator diagram, slip, effect of friction and acceleration, theory of air vessels.
IV Gas power cycles: Ideal and practical gas turbine cycle, heat exchange cycle, reheat cycle, intercooled cycle, Comparison of various cycles.
Thermodynamic Cycles: Advantages, disadvantages and performance characteristics of Ram jet engine, pulse jet engine, turbo prop engine, turbo jet engine, turbo fan engine, Calculation of specific thrust and efficiency
V Gas Turbines: impulse and reaction type gas turbines, Velocity triangles and calculation of work done, efficiency etc.

Text Book

1 Gas turbines, V. Ganesan, Tata McGraw-Hill
2 Subramanya, K., Hydraulic Machine, Tata McGraw Hill

Reference Books

SN Name of Authors /Books /Publisher
1 Principle of Turbo Machinery, Turton R.K., Springer Publication
2 Fundamentals of Turbo Machinery, William W., John Wiley and Sons.
3 Turbo Machinery Basic Theory and Application, Logan E.J.
4 Principles of Turbo Machinery, Shepherd Dennis G., Mac Millan

Publisher, New York.

5 TurboMachines, A Valan Arasu, Vikas Publishing House Pvt. Ltd.
7 Gas turbine theory, Cohen and Saravanamutto, Pearson Educational Publication
8 Hydraulic Machine: Turbines and Pumps, Nazarov N.T., Springer New York.
9 Gas Turbine Theory, Cohen and Roger, Pearson Education.
10 Hydraulic Machinery, Jagdish Lal, Metropolitan Books.

Operations Management

Unit Contents
I Introduction to operations management (OM), the scope of OM; Historical evolution of OM; Trends in business; the management process. Operations Strategy, Competitiveness and Productivity
Demand Forecasting: components of forecasting demand, Approaches to forecasting: forecasts based on judgment and opinion, Time series data. Associative forecasting techniques, Accuracy and control of forecasts, Selection of forecasting technique.
II Product and Service design, Process selection, Process types, Product and process matrix, Process analysis.
Capacity Planning: Defining and measuring capacity, determinants of effective capacity, capacity strategy, steps in capacity planning process, determining capacity requirements, Capacity alternatives, Evaluation of alternatives; Cost-Volume analysis.
III Facility Location: Need for location decisions, factors affecting location, qualitative and quantitative techniques of location. Facilities layout: Product, Process, Fixed position, combination and cellular layouts; Designing product and process layout, line balancing. Material Handling
Planning levels: long range, Intermediate range and Short range planning, Aggregate planning: Objective, Strategies, and techniques of aggregate planning. Master scheduling; Bill of materials, MRP; inputs processing and outputs, and overview of MRP II , use of MRP to assist in planning capacity requirements, Introduction to ERP
IV Production Control: Capacity control and priority control, production control functions; Routing, scheduling, dispatching, expediting and follow up. Techniques of production control in job shop production, batch production and mass production systems. sequencing: priority rules, sequencing jobs through two work centers, scheduling services
Introduction to Just-in-time (JIT) and Lean Operations: JIT production, JIT scheduling, synchronous production, Lean operations system
V Supply Chain Management (SCM): Need of SCM, Bullwhip effect, Elements of SCM, Logistics steps in creating effective supply chain, Purchasing and supplied management.
Project Management: Nature of projects, project life cycle, Work breakdown structure, PERT and CPM, Time-Cost trade-offs: Crashing. Resource allocation, leveling

Text Book

1 Stevenson, Operations Management, Tata McGraw Hill.

Reference Books

SN Name of Authors /Books /Publisher
1 Roberta S. Russell, Bernard W. Taylor, Operations Management, John Wiley & Sons
2 Joseph S. Martinich, Production And Operations Management, John Wiley & Sons
3 S.N. Chary, Production and Operations Management, Tata McGraw Hill
4 Norman Gaither, Greg Frazier, Operations Management, Thomson Learning

Micro And Nano Manufacturing

Unit Contents
I Nanoscale Cutting:- Introduction, Material representation and microstructure, Atomic interaction;

Nonomachining:- Introduction, Nanometric machining, Theoretical basis of machining;

Meso-micromcahining:- Introduction, size effects in micromachining, mechanism for large plastic flow, origin of the size effect, Meso- machining processes. Product quality in micromachining, Burr formation in micromachining operations.
II Microturning:- Characteristic features and applications, Microturning tools and tooling systems, Machine tools for microturning
Microdrilling: Characteristic features and applications, Microdrills and tooling systems, Machine tools for microdrilling

Micromilling:- Characteristic features and applications, Micromills and tooling systems, Machine tools for micromilling,

Micro machining high aspect ratio microstructures, micromolding, micromolding processes, micromolding tools, micromold design, micromolding applications, limitations of micromolding.
III Microgrinding and Ultra-precision Processes: Introduction, Micro and nanogrinding, Nanogrinding apparatus, Nanogrinding procedures, Nanogrinding tools, Preparation of nanogrinding wheels, Bonding systems, Vitrified bonding
Non-Conventional Processes: Laser Micromachining:- Introduction, Fundamentals of lasers, Stimulated emission, Types of lasers, Laser microfabrication, Nanosecond pulse microfabrication, Shielding gas, Effects of nanosecond pulsed microfabrication, Picosecond pulse microfabrication, Femtosecond pulse microfabrication, Laser nanofabrication.
IV Diamond Tools in Micromachining: Introduction, Diamond technology, Hot Filament CVD (HFCVD), Preparation of substrate, Selection of substrate material, Pre-treatment of substrate, Modified HFCVD process.
Deposition on complex substrates, Diamond deposition on metallic (molybdenum) wire, Deposition on WC-Co microtools, Diamond deposition on tungsten carbide, (WC-Co) microtool, Performance of diamond-coated microtool
V Evaluation of Subsurface Damage in Nano and Micromachining: Introduction, Destructive evaluation technologies, Cross-sectional microscopy, Preferential etching, Angle lapping/angle polishing, X-ray diffraction, Micro-Raman spectroscopy.
Applications of Nano and Micromachining in Industry: Introduction, Typical machining methods, Diamond turning, Shaper/planner machining, Applications in optical manufacturing, Aspheric lens, Fresnel lens, Microstructured components, Semiconductor wafer production.

Text Book

1 Micro and Nano manufacturing by Marks J. Jackson springer

Reference Books

SN Name of Authors /Books /Publisher
1 J. Paulo Davim, Mark J. Jackson, Nano and Micromachining ISTE Ltd John Wiley & Sons, Inc.


Unit Contents
I Introduction to Robotics: Evolution of Robots and Robotics, Laws of Robotics, What is and What is not a Robot, Progressive Advancement in Robots.
Robot Anatomy, Human Arm Characteristics, Design and Control Issues, Manipulation and Control, Sensors and Vision, Programming Robots, The Future Prospects, Notations.
II Robot End Effectors: Classification of end effectors, drive system for grippers, Mechanical, Magnetic, Vaccum, Adhesive grippers, Hooks, Scoops, Miscellaneous devices, Gripper force analysis and Design, Active and Passive Gripeers

Coordinate Frames, Mapping and Transforms: Coordinate Frames, Description of Objects in Space, Transformation of Vectors, Inverting a Homogeneous Transform, Fundamental Rotation Matrices.

III Symbolic Modeling of Robots: Direct Kinematic Model, Mechanical Structure and Notations, Description of Links and Joints, Kinematic Modeling of the Manipulator,
Denavit – Hartenberg Notation, Kinematic Relationship between Adjacent Links, Manipulator Transformation Matrix. Introduction to Inverse Kinematic model, Solvability of Inverse Kinematics model, Solution techniques.
IV Robotic Sensors: The Meaning of Sensing, Sensors in Robotics, Kinds of Sensors used in Robotics, Choosing the right sensors
Robotic vision: Introduction to Robotic Vision, Industrial Applications of Vision-Controlled Robotic Systems, Process of Imaging, Architecture of Robotic Vision Systems, Image Acquisition, Image Representation and Image Processing
V Robot Applications: Industrial Applications, Material Handling, Processing Applications, Assembly Applications, Inspection Application, Principles for Robot Application and Application Planning, Justification of Robots, Robot Safety, Non-Industrial Applications.
Robot Programming: Robot languages, Classification of Robot language, Computer control and robot software, VAL system and language

Text Book

1 Mittal R.K., Nagarath, I.K., Robotics and Control, Tata Mc Graw Hill,

Reference Books

SN Name of Authors /Books /Publisher
1 Deb S.R., Robotics Technology and Flexible Automation, Tata McGraw Hill
2 Ghoshal, A., Robotics Fundamental Concepts and Analysis, Oxford University Press
3 Craig JJ, Introduction to Robotics, Mechanics and Control, Addison- Wesley, 2nd Ed.
4 Fu, K.S., Gonzales, R.C. and Lee, C.S.G., Robotics: Control, Sensing,Vision and Intelligence, McGraw Hill
5 Groover, M. P., Wiess, M., Nagel, R. N. and Odery, N. G. Industrial Robotics- Technology,

Programming and Applications, McGraw Hill Inc. Singapore

CNC Machines And Programming

Unit Contents
I Introduction: Definition of NC, Applications of NC ,Historical Developments in Automation, Classification of NC Systems, Comparison of NC and Conventional Machines, Advantages of NC
II NC Hardware: Architecture of NC Systems, Design Considerations, Mechanical Elements, Structure, Guideways and Slides, Guideway Elements, Transmission Systems, Spindle Unit, Coolant system, Lubrication System, Tool and work Changing Mechanisms, Electrical Elements, Drives, Sensors, Control Loops, Computing Elements/Firmware, Interpolators
III NC Software: Introduction, Manual Part Programming, Computer- Assisted Part Programming, Language Based , Geometric Modeling Based, Automatic Part Program Generation,
IV CAPP Systems , 5 Axis Programming, Post-Processing, Programming Robots and CMMs
NC Simulation, Kinematic simulation, Volumetric simulation, Applications of Volumetric NC Simulation, Verification
V Advanced Topics:, Adaptive Control, Off-line adaptive control, Various optimisation criteria, Hardware Based AC, Software Based AC, Tooling and Instruments for NC Special Considerations in High Speed Cutting (HSC) and Die Sinking, Rapid Product Development, CAM, FMS, CIM

Text Book

1 Krar S. and Gill A., CNC: Technology and Programming, McGraw Hill

Reference Books

SN Name of Authors /Books /Publisher
1 Koren Y., Computer Control of Manufacturing Systems, Tata McGraw Hill.
2 Pressman R.S. and Williams J.E., Numerical Control and Computer-Aided Manufacturing, John Wiley & Sons
3 Jones B.L., Introduction to Computer Numerical Control, John Wiley & Sons.
4 Kral I.H., , Numerical Control Programming in APT, Prentice-Hall
5 Chang C.H. and Melkanoff M.A., ,NC Machine Programming and Software Design, Prentice-Hall

Thermal Engineering LAB-II

Sn Laboratory work/name of experiment
1 To perform constant speed load test on a single cylinder diesel engine and to plot performance curves: indicated thermal efficiency, brake thermal efficiency, mechanical efficiency Vs. Brake power, and heat balance sheet.
2 To estimate the Indicated Power, Friction Power and Mechanical Efficiency of a multi-cylinder Petrol Engine. (Morse Test)
3 Analysis of engine exhaust gases using Orsat apparatus/gas analyzer.
4 To study the refrigeration cycle, determination of coefficient of performance of cycle and tonnage capacity of the refrigeration unit.
5 To determine the COP and tonnage capacity of a Mechanical heat pump.
6 To study various controls used in Refrigeration and Air conditioning system.
7 Determination of dryness fraction of steam.
8 Study and Performance of Simple Steam Turbine
9 Performance characteristics of Pelton wheel turbine.
10 Performance characteristics of Francis turbine.
11 Performance characteristics of Kaplan turbine.
12 Performance characteristics of variable speed centrifugal pump.
13 Performance characteristics of rated speed centrifugal pump.

Finite Element lab.

Sn Laboratory work/name of the experiment
1 Laboratory work for the solution of solid mechanics problems, heat transfer problems, and free vibration problems

A: by using FE packages such as NASTRAN/ ANSYS/ SIMULIA/ ABAQUS

2 Introduction of GUI of the software in the above-mentioned areas Realistic problems.
3 Analysis of beams and frames (bending and torsion problems)
4 Plane stress and plane strain analysis problems
5 Problems leading to analysis of axisymmetric solids
6 Problems leading to the analysis of three-dimensional solids

(a) Heat transfer problems

(b) Modal analysis problem

B: by writing own code for finite element analysis using MATLAB for:
7 Plane stress and plane strain analysis problems
8 Modal Analysis problem

All Semester Syllabus for RTU Mechanical Engineering

You should have the following syllabus to boost your exam preparation for the RTU Mechanical Engineering.

Click on the link to access all semester syllabus related to Mechanical Engineering.

RTU Mechanical Engineering 7th Semester Marking Scheme

Here you can check the latest Mechanical Engineering 7th Semester Marking Scheme.

RTU Mechanical Engineering 7th Sem Marking Scheme

SEMESTER VII 7 7 Hrs. / Week IA Exam Total
Subject Code Title L T P
7ME1A Finite Element Methods 3 Theory Subjects 20 80 100
7ME2A Refrigeration & Air-conditioning 3 1 20 80 100
7ME3A Operations Research 3 1 20 80 100
7ME4A Turbomachines 3 20 80 100
7ME5A Operations Management 3 20 80 100
7ME6.1A Micro and Nano Manufacturing 3 20 80 100
7ME6.2A Robotics
7ME6.3A CNC Machines and Programming
Practicals and Sessionals
7ME7A Thermal Engineering Lab-II Lab courses 3 60 40 100
7ME8A FEM Lab 3 60 40 100
7METR Practical Training & Industrial visit 2 100 100
7MEPR Project-1 2 50 50
7MEDC Discipline & Extra Curricular Activity 50
Total 18 2 10 1000

Meaning Of various letters:

  • L: Lecture, T: Tutorial, P: Practical, Cr: Credits ETE: End Term Exam, IA: Internal Assessment

We have covered the complete guide on RTU Syllabus Mechanical Engineering 7th Semester 2021. feel free to ask us any questions in the comment section below.

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