The 10 weirdest Jobs in the World 

Breath Odor Evaluator 

Some companies hire professionals whose job is to smell the breath of other people to evaluate the effectiveness of their oral hygiene products. 


Professional Apologizer 

In Japan, there are companies that provide professional apologizers who can apologize on behalf of their clients for any wrongdoing. 


Human Scarecrow 

In the UK, some farmers hire individuals to dress up as scarecrows and scare away birds from their crops 


Bed Warmer 

In some hotels, there are professionals whose job is to warm up the beds of guests before they check in. 


Professional Mourner 

In some countries, people hire professional mourners to cry and grieve at funerals. 


Professional Wedding Guest 

In Japan, some people hire professional wedding guests to fill up the guest list and make the wedding appear more grand. 


Duck Manager 

In some parts of the world, there are professionals who manage ducks and their eggs for farmers .


Culinary Arts 

Culinary arts courses cover topics such as cooking techniques, food preparation, and menu planning. 


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