Best Places To Do Internships In India 

India has a wide range of industries and opportunities for internships, and the choice of the best place to intern depends on your field of interest and career aspirations. 

Mumbai is the financial capital of India and has a vibrant start-up culture. Many large corporations and businesses are headquartered here. 


Known as the "Silicon Valley of India," Bangalore is home to many IT companies, startups, and research institutions. 


The capital city of India is the political and administrative center of the country. Many government agencies and international organizations have their headquarters here. 

New Delhi 

Chennai is a hub for the automobile and manufacturing industries, making it an excellent place to intern in engineering, manufacturing, and logistics. 


Hyderabad is home to many pharmaceutical and biotechnology companies, making it an excellent place to intern in research and development. 


Kolkata is known for its rich cultural heritage and is an excellent place to intern in the arts, literature, and journalism. 


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