Advantages and Disadvantages of Social Media to Students

Advantages of Social Media for Student


Social Media increases connectivity among student One of the most beautiful aspects of using social media is that it provides excellent connectivity among its users. Every student is different, and sometimes, it is difficult for them to connect.

Social Media provides current information and updates to the student Sometimes there are a lot of pieces of information that can not be attained by attending schools and classes. In the traditional academic setting, the youths are fixated only on a particular manner of lifestyle and career opportunities.

Social Media builds a community for student In today's world, social media has proved to be the home of many innovative and empowering communities. When people of like-minded nature meet and gather in large numbers, it forms communities.

Social Media can be used to entertain students  It is common knowledge that social media is an excellent source of knowledge. There are a lot of creative people around the world that indulge themselves in making innovative videos that are of every genre. 

Social Media provides learning to the student Learning is the most crucial advantage of students using social media. Social media is a potent tool for academicians to experiment with different ways to deliver their teaching methods to students.

Disadvantages of Social Media for Student


Addiction to Social Media When the youth uses social media platforms for an uncontrolled period and cannot stop themselves from using such applications, then they get addicted to them, and such addiction can lead to profound negative implications on their mental as well as physical health.

Social Media has adverse effects on socialization It is a common observation that social media helps students socialize with their peers and teachers much better. It is also true that sometimes a particular individual gets so engrossed in social media that they forget about anything else in the world and isolate themselves.

Social Media can lead to cyberbullying  Cyberbullying is a significant and increasing threat in modern society and is considered a cybercrime. The platforms of social media can act as a common breeding ground for people that involve themselves in the act of cyberbullying. 

Social Media has a lot of inappropriate content  It is a fact that social media is a rich source of entertainment, but a lot of content available on social media to be accessed by young students is not appropriate at all, and it exceeds moral boundaries. 

Social Media can cause serious health concerns for students  It is commonly said that "Health is Wealth." For a student being healthy is a topmost priority, whether mental or physical health. One should always stay perfect because any opportunity or academic responsibility can strike at any time in a student's life. 

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