How to Decide When to Take the GRE 

It's best to take the GRE when you are prepared and have enough time to study and practice. 

One of the most important factors to consider when deciding when to take the GRE is the application deadline for the graduate programs you plan to apply to. 

Application Deadlines -  You should take the exam early enough so that your scores are available before the application deadline. 

Personal Schedule -  If you have other obligations such as work, family, or school, you may need to schedule the exam accordingly. 

Preparation Time -  You should give yourself enough time to study and practice before taking the exam. 

Test Availability -  It is recommended that you schedule the exam at least several weeks in advance to ensure that you get the date and location you prefer. 

Retake Policy -  If you don't get the scores you were hoping for, consider the retake policy for the GRE. 

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