8 Things to Consider While Exploring College Majors 

Educate Yourself on All the Major Options -  If you have already chosen a school, take some time to familiarize yourself with all the different options for majors.

Consider Your Interests -  Choosing a major means choosing to focus a large amount of time on one particular area, so you want to be certain it’s an area you are interested in learning about.

Consider Your Passion -  Pursuing a career in a field you feel passionate about can energize your future work life. Have the courage to follow your passion as a major, especially if it has career potential.

Consider Your Strengths -  If you explore a major field that aligns with your strengths, it will be attainable with a bit of hard work. So, consider your strengths.

Get Help from an Advisor or Faculty in the Major -  Reach out to the advisor or a faculty member who works in that major or the overarching field that supports it.

Take Intro Classes that Explore the Major -  If you are settling on one particular idea for your major, the next step is to take classes to explore the major and see if it fits.

Consider Future Careers and Earning Potential -  Make sure that the career you are pursuing not only lets you follow your passions, but also gives you enough potential income to pay your future bills.

Talk to Others About Their Majors -  Discuss major choices with others you know who are in college or recently finished college.

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