Why MIT is the Best University in The World

A humble beginning  Founded by William Barton Rogers in the 19th century, MIT had a modest beginning. It did not have its own campus and was started in a rented building in Boston. In 1916, it moved to the city of Cambridge and now has a campus spread across 168 acres!

The rise and success  Within years, MIT established itself as a leading institution in physical sciences and engineering. MIT became famous for its research-based education, especially in computers. It played a vital role in developing the radar technology which turned the tide of the 2nd World War in the favor of Allied forces.

Factory of excellence  MIT has produced 84 Nobel laureates, 52 recipients of the National Medal of Science, 45 Rhodes scholars, and 34 astronauts. And the numbers are still piling.

The competition  The following figures will explain what sort of competition is witnessed to gain admission at MIT. The 2018 freshman class already has 18,356 applications of which only 1447 were selected. It means an acceptance rate of 7.9 percent.

Amazing architecture  MIT has one of the best campuses around the world with amazing architecture. Its Stata Centre is famous for its ‘deconstructionist’ style. It has 18 student residences and 26 acres of playing fields.

Hacking   Hacking is an important part of the MIT culture. Hacking does not only mean computer hacking. It refers to the practical yet highly ingenious jokes played by its students to demonstrate their technical prowess and cleverness.

Residential System Choosing my living group based on cultural fit helped me find my best position at the institute. And even when classes sucked (and they do for everyone at some point), I had a home and another family to return to.

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