10 things students can learn from the Harry Potter book series

Never Be Ashamed  The Malfoys looked down on the Weasleys. Some kids thought Luna was weird. And according to Hagrid, these people are not worth botherin' with!  As a half-giant wizard, Rubeus Hagrid was not always liked by everyone, and he certainly got some strange stares now and then.

Friendship and love make life worthwhile  Harry is able to overcome the odds in his early life, even without the guidance of a nuclear family. His friendship with Hermione and Ron and the entire Weasley family help him grow into a man his parents would’ve been proud of. It is because of these relationships that he is able to persevere over the most terrible circumstances.

We all need help sometimes In many situations, Harry didn’t want to include his friends or allow them to feel the weight of his most grievous burdens; he thought he could fight the most dangerous wizard alone. He was wrong and luckily for him, his friends were always there to help, even when he didn’t want them to be. Without the help of Harry’s friends, he could never have accomplished what he did.

Sometimes it's okay to break the rules.  In some situations, Harry had to break the rules to save his friends and/or the school. In life, we all have to make decisions. There may be rules that say we shouldn't do it, but in cases where the greater good will benefit, that's okay. For example, my school system had an electronic policy that stated that students could not bring their personal electronic devices to class.

Plans are useful, sometimes you just have to go with them    In the final Harry Potter book (and movie), Harry tells Hermione that they must return to Hogwarts to find a Horcrux. Hermione is adamant in opposing the plan, only for Harry to remind her that none of the plans have worked so far. In life, we can organize and plan, we all must have a certain level of resilience and courage if we want to be successful in our work.

Perseverance is possible, always  Despite Voldemort’s exhaustive efforts to kill Harry over a seven-year period, Harry always manages to persevere and save the day. In each of our lives, there will be many obstacles that seem like they can break us, but we can’t allow them to, we MUST push on. As teachers, every day is a new day and despite the challenges, hardships, or woes that could ruin our journey, we must remember why we chose this noble profession.

Be Brave  At the end of every school year, Dumbledore would give points out to different students and houses at Hogwarts. In an iconic moment, Neville racked some up, due to the fact that he stood up to the main characters, even though it was scary and stressful. Dumbledore said, “It takes a great deal of bravery to stand up to our enemies, but just as much to stand up to our friends.” Those who can do both are true heroes. 

Choose Wisely   Someone else who shared some wisdom within this tale was Sirius Black: “We’ve all got both light and dark inside us. What matters is the part we choose to act on. That’s who we really are.”No one is perfect, and every day, we are faced with struggles, decisions, and bumps in the road. We can react negatively or positively, and our choices help define us…

Find The Happiness   When tough moments do come about, there is still hope and happiness, “if one only remembers to turn on the light.” This famous line (which was also from Dumbledore) is referenced by fans, printed onto products, and thought of often, and that is beautiful! There is always a silver lining, and the glass can always be half full. We just have to focus on the good, no matter what, and “even in the darkest of times”.

Words are our most inexhaustible resources   Dumbledore speaks of magic when he uses a similar phrase, but it is so in life. Words have the power to inflict harm or create passion, inspire dreams, and change lives. It’s always good to remember the power of what we say and write and be in control of the purpose of our choices.

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