10 Things You Need To Know To Ace Your Next Interview

Know about the company  Spend time to know about the background and various activities of the company. Knowledge about the company will make you look serious about the job. Also if you have time, read about the competitors.

Prepare a paragraph describing you  Generally, the first question asked during the interview is “tell us about yourself”. Prepare a crisp answer beforehand which is beyond your resume. The interviewer has your resume, and this is the time to excite the interviewer with information that is not already on it. Talking about some key highlights of your career, educational background or your passion can be a good idea.

Pen down your strengths and weakness Preparing a list of around 5-6 strengths is not enough. Recall critical incidents of your life where you leveraged your strengths to achieve an objective. This will help the interviewer to remember better, make your answers look natural, and will also leave a good impression. Present your weakness in a very intelligent way, and never say things that might work against you. 

Try to fit the role One of the most common questions asked during an interview is, "Why should we hire you?" Formulate an answer, and write it down. Write down all of your strengths and your past experiences, and try to explain how you will benefit the company. Keep in mind your role in the company and write accordingly. eg. If you're interviewing for an HR position, you can mention all of your prior experience and internships in the field.

   Do a quick research on potential/actual interviewers You get to know the interviewers, even if you find a talking point or common ground 10 minutes before the interview. This can be very helpful in making a personal connection during the interview.

Prepare your resume according to the company It is very important to mention your key skills according to the requirement of the job profile you have mentioned. E.g. While applying for the job of a blogger, write about your vocabulary, blogging history, love for language, etc. Consider the skill sets the recruiter is looking for and customize your resume to ensure those skills stand out. 

 Read your resume before the interview  You should be able to justify every line written on your resume. Never mention something just to impress the interviewer. Mentioning in your hobbies that you love reading, and on the other side you can’t even recall the name of a single book will be curtains for that interview!

Reach 15-30 minutes before your Interview:  Always check for the location of the office well in advance, and also for parking space. You can use your google maps to identify. Always reach on time.

Be alert and active As you enter the office/college and are waiting for your turn at the reception area, your interview begins. The way you talk, interact and greet people adds a lot. You are noticed every second. Be nice and greet everyone you meet, you never know who will be interviewing you. Open the door firmly and walk confidently as you enter the room.

A firm handshake and right body posture A firm handshake is a sign of confidence, follow this while you are wishing your interviewer and maintain a straight-back pose. Never cross your arms while sitting. It is a sign that you are not interested. Also, avoid playing with your hair or fidgeting with any accessories.

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