9 Facts which were written wrong in your textbooks 

Bulls don't hate the color red -  In the early 18th century, a Spanish matador used a small red hat or muleta in a bullfight, which caused the bulls to go wild. So, it is not the color but the sound that affects their mind and makes them angry. 

The Great Wall of China is NOT visible from space -  NASA released a report saying, no single human structure is visible from orbit. A Chinese astronaut, Yang Liwei, confirmed that he could not see any historic structure. 

Einstein DID NOT fail in math -  German-born theoretical physicist Albert Einstein never failed in mathematics, rather he could not get through an entrance exam for a school. 

Bats are NOT blind -  Bats do use echolocation as they hunt in darkness, but this doesn't mean they are blind. According to research, fruit bats are famous for sharp vision and can see ultraviolet light. 

Sugar DOES NOT give you instant energy -  People think that sugar is the ultimate solution if you are feeling low. Also, sugar creates a sudden imbalance in your blood flow leading to hormonal problems in the body. 

We don't just have five senses -  There's a sense of balance known as equilibrium, which keeps us upright and helps us navigate our way without getting hurt. 

Humans DO NOT use just 10 percent of the brain -  According to cognitive neuroscientist Sergio Della Sala, it takes 20 percent of the oxygen we breathe to keep a brain cell alive, and no cells it idle. 

Dogs DO NOT sweat by salivating -  When a dog feels hot, it will open its mouth and breathe heavily. However, this does not mean that dogs do not sweat. 

Milk DOES NOT Increase Mucus -  There is a popular misconception that milk should not be consumed if you are suffering from a cold, however, there is no proven theory behind this argument. 

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